Tag: ESL

Phobias | What Do You Fear?

Phobias | What Do You Fear?

What are phobias? In this special lesson, we explore what phobias are, where they come from, and how you can use them in English. If …

Idiom | The Devil You Know

Idiom | The Devil You Know

The idiom ‘better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know’ comes from an Irish proverb dating from the mid-1500s. The idiom is quite popular and it means…

Halloween in the U.S. | Learn Real English

Halloween in the U.S. | Learn Real English

Americans, young and old, love Halloween! It’s a big part of the autumn season, but how much do you know about the customs and traditions …

Understand Jokes and Puns in English

Understand Jokes and Puns in English

Jokes can be hard to understand and even hard to make in a foreign language. Luckily, there are some patterns to help learners understand basics jokes. Once you start learning you might find that there are some jokes which are surprisingly easy to understand.

Idiom | The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

Idiom | The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

A delicious and popular idiom. While the phrase has nothing to do with slicing bread any more, it does have it routes in the bread industry.

Secret Techniques to Boost Your English♪

Secret Techniques to Boost Your English♪

Even if you’re studying hard, you might not be progressing. If you’ve gotten stuck, you might need some new study methods and learning techniques.

Stand By Me | Learn English With

Stand By Me | Learn English With

Stand By Me is a classic coming to age story that is perfect for learning English and American culture. In this lesson, we’ll be learning …

Dead English Words

Dead English Words

Sometimes words and phrases die. Much like people, languages change and grow. What happens to the words that no longer get used? While we don’t need them for conversation, they still appear in old movies and TV shows. So, let’s study some important dead words.

Understand False Flattery

Understand False Flattery

This is a must-see for anyone who is studying English. Learn how to talk about people that give lots of false complements.

Covid-19: Talk Like A Native

Covid-19: Talk Like A Native

The US has a good supply of vaccines, but Covid is still spreading. Let’s learn to talk like a native speaker by learning about Covid and the current situation in the United States.