Idiom | Head In The Clouds
Idiom | Head In The Clouds
The idiom to ‘have one’s head in the clouds’ dates all the way back to the mid-1600s. Since this is long before the invention of airplanes and other flying machines, the sky was out of the reach to humans. Thus, when a person talked about impossible or stupid things, people would refer to them as having their head in the clouds.
The idiom meaning hasn’t change much of the last few hundred years. The phrase means that a person is daydreaming, absentminded and/or is unaware of what is going.
「have one’s head in the clouds」という慣用句の起源は、1600年代半ばまでさかのぼります。飛行機や空を飛ぶ機械が発明されるずっと前のことなので、空は人間の手の届かないところにありました。そのため、人が不可能なことや愚かなことを口にするとき、その人のことを「have one’s head in the clouds」と呼ぶようになりました。
Idiom Usage 使い方
To make this idiom into a full phrase we need to add a few things; a subject, the verb ‘have,’ a pronoun, the preposition ‘in,’ and the idiom.
Subject + Have + Pronoun + Idiom
I + have + my + head in the clouds.
Like most phrasal verbs and idioms, the verb will change form depending on the grammar tense (have —–>has, had, etc.).
We can change this idiom’s meaning to ‘stop daydreaming’ by adding ‘get’ and swapping the preposition ‘in’ to ‘out of.’
Get + Pronoun + Idiom
Get + your + head out of the clouds.
Either from of this idiom can be used for casual and formal situations.
主語 + Have + 代名詞 + イディオム
I + have + my + head in the clouds.
ほとんどの句動詞やイディオムと同様に、動詞は文法の時制によって形が変わります(have —–>has、hadなど)。
「get」を加え、前置詞「in」を「out of」に入れ替えることによって、この慣用句を反対の意味に変えることができます。
Get + 代名詞 + Idiom
Get + your + head out of the clouds.
Examples 例文
She always been a dreamer, head in the clouds and never thinking about what is actually possible.
The government has its head in the clouds if it thinks it’s going to reform the pension system.
If you want to do better in school, you need to get your head out of the clouds and start studying more.
Use mnemonic! ニーモニックテクニック
A great mnemonic device to help you remember this idiom is to use the image of a person literally with their head in the clouds. They can’t see anything happening around them and have no idea what’s going on.
Of course, we always encourage you to create your own mnemonic device. It’s much more effect if you do that.
Check out our post on mnemonics basics to learn more.
Variations 類似した表現
- Head up your ass / Get your head out of your ass
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