Mnemonic Basics
In order to learn a new language, you need to learn vocabulary. Mnemonic techniques can help.
English is blessed with having the largest vocabulary in the world, coming in at over one million words. That’s a lot of words to learn!
The key to cramming your head with all this new knowledge is how efficient you are at doing it and how effective you are at recalling this information.
Magical Mnemonics【長く記憶に残る魔法のニーモニック】
A mnemonic device, or memory device, is any learning technique that aids information retention. Mnemonics make use of imagery and stories. These images and stories help the brain store this new information. It also helps when we need to recall the information.
Think about mnemonics like cheat codes for anyone who struggles with memorizing a certain complicated subject, list, or concept.
When learning a new vocabulary word, we can use pictures and sounds from our mother language (or another language you know well) to help tell a story about the word. Using a noun and a verb work best to create a mini-story. Mnemonic devices usually work best when we use personal experiences.
Mnemonic deviceもしくはMemory deviceと英語でいわれますが、これは、情報を定着させるために役立つ学習メソッドです。ニーモニックはイメージやストーリーを駆使したテクニックで、新しい情報を効率的に蓄積、引き出せる有効的なテクニックです。ニーモニックは複雑なテーマ、リスト、概念を覚えるのに悩んでいる人にとってのチートコードようなものとお考えください。
Using Mnemonic Devices【ニーモニックを使った単語の覚え方】
Since mnemonic devices don’t translate, we’ll do different examples in English and Japanese.
This is a popular mnemonic device which I used in elementary school. It’s for remembering the planets of the solar system.
My very eager mother just served us nine pizzas.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
Back then we had nine planets. If you feel need to exclude Pluto, you can use this sentence instead.
My very eager mother just served us nachos.
Here’s another popular mnemonic device every American school child knows.
In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
The somewhat out of order sentence makes it very unique. The rhyming sounds of two and blue also make it very musical, helping it to be even more memorable.