Idiom | A Blaze Of Glory

Idiom | A Blaze of Glory
The idiom to ‘a blaze of glory’ most likely dates from the early 1600s. Language historians attribute the phrase to Francis Quarles, who used the idiom in his 1621 book ‘Hadassa’ or ‘The History of Ester:’
“One builds his blisse* upon the blaze of glory.”
Francis Quarles
The idiom means a short but impressive display of strength. Imagine how a fire burns brightly just before burning out. The phrase typically gets used when someone does something very dramatic at the end of their career or your life which makes them famous, or infamous.
*Middle English; A source of joy, a cause of happiness; sexual gratification.
「a blaze of glory」というイディオムは、1600年代初期にうまれたと考えられています。言語史の専門家は、Francis Quarlesが1621年の著書『Hadassa』または『The History of Ester』の中でこの慣用句を使ったとことに起因しているとしています。
“One builds his blisse* upon the blaze of glory.”
Francis Quarles
Idiom Usage 使い方

To make “a blaze of glory” a full phrase we need to add a few things; a subject, the verb ‘go,’ a preposition (usually ‘down’), the preposition ‘in,’ and the idiom.
Subject + Go + Down + In + Idiom
He + went + down + in + a blaze of glory.
Like most phrasal verbs and idioms, the verb will change form depending on the grammar tense (go —–>went, going, etc.).
The idiom can be used for casual and formal situations.
「a blaze of glory」を完全なフレーズにするには、主語、動詞「go」、前置詞(通常は「down」)、前置詞「in」、そしてイディオムを追加する必要があります。
主語 + Go + Down + In + イディオム
He + went + down + in + a blaze of glory.
ほとんどの句動詞やイディオムと同様に、時制によって動詞の形が変わります(go —–>went、 goingなど)。

Examples 例文

Everyone remembers the legendary outlaw Billy the Kid because he went down in a blaze of glory.
The gang vowed to go down in a blaze of glory rather than go to jail.
I would have rather gone down in a blaze of glory than simply quitting.
Use mnemonic! ニーモニックテクニック
A great mnemonic device to help you remember this idiom is to use the Bon Jovi song ‘Blaze of Glory,’ which was made for a fictionalized movie about Billy the Kid called ‘Young Guns 2.’
Of course, we always encourage you to create your own mnemonic device. It’s much more effect if you do that.
Check out our post on mnemonics basics to learn more.
このイディオムを覚えるのに最適なニーモニックは、ビリー・ザ・キッドについて描かれたフィクション映画「Young Guns 2」のために作られたボン・ジョヴィの曲「Blaze of Glory」を使うことです。
Variations 類似した表現

- Go out in a blaze of glory
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