Idiom | Best of Both Worlds

Idiom | Best of Both Worlds
The idiom ‘the best of both worlds’ is used when a person has a choice that gives them the best parts of two opposing sides. They can enjoy all the advantages of two different situations but not have to deal with any of the disadvantages.
Like many idioms we’ve covered here on our website, the origins of ‘the best of both worlds’ is a bit unclear. The phrase become popular around the mid to late 1800s. Some accredit French writer M. de Voltaire who wrote the phrase:
“the best of all possible worlds.”
in his 1759 book, Candide.
「The best of both worlds」というイディオムは、2つの相反する側面の良い部分を得られるようの選択した際に使われます。2つの異なる状況の長所をすべて享受しながら、短所には一切対処する必要がないということです。
このサイトで取り上げてきた多くの慣用句と同様に、「the best of both worlds」の起源は少し不透明です。このフレーズは1800年代半ばから後半にかけて流行しました。フランスの作家M.ドゥ・ヴォルテールがこのフレーズを書いたのではという説もあります。
“the best of all possible worlds.”
Idiom Usage: Best of Both Worlds 使い方

“The best of both worlds” is almost a full phrase. It needs a little help getting there. To make the idiom complete, we need a subject and the verb be.
Subject + Be + Idiom
It + is + the best of both worlds.
The idiom is appropriate in both casual and formal situations.
“The best of both worlds “は、ほぼ完全なフレーズですが、完璧な文にするには少しいじる必要があります。すなわち、主語とBe動詞を付け加える必要があります。
主語 + Be動詞 + イディオム
It + is + the best of both worlds.

Examples 例文

This wine bar lets you bring your own wine bottles for a small fee. It is the best of both worlds.
Working from home is the best of both worlds for people that have children.
Chocolate and peanut butter are great together because them create something salty and sweet. It’s like having the best of both worlds.
My new car is a hybrid which consumes less fuel but also goes really fast. It’s like having the best of both worlds.
Use mnemonic! ニーモニックテクニック

Imagine if you lived on two different planets, which both had things you liked and didn’t like. Then you found another planet which had all thing things you liked from one world and all things you liked from the other two world. It would be the best of both worlds.
Of course, we always encourage you to create your own mnemonic device. It’s much more effect if you do that.
Check out our post on mnemonics basics to learn more.
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