Idiom | Speak Of The Devil

Idiom | Speak Of The Devil
The idiom ‘speak of the devil’ is used when a person (or sometimes object) expectantly appears just after being mentioned.
The proverb likely originated in England and dates back hundreds of years, to at least the 1600s. The first known recording of the phrase is from Giovanni Torriano’s 1666 book ‘Piazza Universale’ (Universal Plaza) where he wrote:
“The English say, Talk of the Devil, and he’s presently at your elbow.”
In those days the idiom was a superstitious warning; speak of the devil and he will appear. It was consider dangerous to talk about the devil as there was a believe that mentioning him would bring bad luck upon the speaker.
These days it’s much less sinister and is only a comment on the coincidence of speaking about someone (or something) and then suddenly finding them (or it) in your presence.
「Speak of the devil」というイディオムは、ある人物(場合によっては物)が話されていた後に登場するときに使われます。
こちらはイギリスがおそらく発祥だと考えられており、起源は数百年前、少なくとも1600年代までさかのぼると考えられています。このフレーズが最初に確認できたのは、ジョヴァンニ・トリアーノが1666年に出版した「Piazza Universale(Universal Plaza)」という本のなかになっています。
Idiom Usage: Speak Of The Devil 使い方

Like another devil idiom we’ve covered, The Devil You Know, this idiomatic phrase is a full saying. That is to mean, it doesn’t need any other additional words to function. So, it can be used on its own, or as part of a larger compound sentence.
The idiom is appropriate in both casual and formal situations.
以前取り上げた別の悪魔に関するイディオム「The Devil You Know」と同様、このフレーズはこのまま使われるものです。何か言葉を付け加える必要はありません。単体で使われたり、また文章の中で使われたりします。

Examples 例文

We need some more wine. Oh, speak of the devil. You have new bottle.
もっとワインが必要だわ。おっ、噂をすれば 、君、新しいボトルをもっているじゃん。
Did you hear about what happened to Julie yesterday? Oh, speak of the devil, there she is.
Well, speak of the devil. We were just talking about you.
Use mnemonic! ニーモニックテクニック

There is no need to work hard for a mnemonic device for this idiom; we can use the traditional meaning. If we speak of the devil, he will appear and try to temp us into doing something bad. If you speaking of something, it will magically appear.
Of course, we always encourage you to create your own mnemonic device. It’s much more effect if you do that.
Check out our post on mnemonics basics to learn more.
Variations 類似した表現
- Talk of the devil (UK)
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