Idiom | The Whole Nine Yards

Idiom | The Whole Nine Yards
The idiom “the whole nine yards” means to go all out on something or for somebody. Doing everything that is possible, to do something in its entirety. In a word, it simply means; everything.
Where the idiom comes from is a little bit of a mystery, however many mistakenly think that it has something to do with American football since yards are used as a measurement for the field. The idiom was created around the mid-1800s and pre-dates American football, so a connection to the sport is very unlikely.
Even though this idiom has its origins in the 1800s, it did not become a popular phrase until the 1980s.
“The Whole Nine Yards”というイディオムは「全て」「完璧」「どこまでも」という意味です。イディオムの起源は謎に包まれています。アメフトが絡んでいるのではないかとの諸説もありますが、アメフトがはじまる前1800年代半ばにイディオムの起源がさかのぼるため、おそらくそうではないでしょう。なお、実際には1980年代ごろより頻繁に使われるようになりました。
Idiom Usage | The Whole Nine Yards 使い方

This idiom usually* needs the verb ‘go’ before it to function correctly; i.e. ‘go the whole nine years.’ The verb ‘give’ can also be used, although it doesn’t sound as natural, i.e. ‘give the whole nine yards.’
*This idiom can sometimes be used without a verb; as a sentence fragment. This can be very tricky to do correctly, so if you’re in doubt don’t use sentence fragments.
Be aware that this is an American idiom, so it won’t be very effective if you try to use it on people from the UK.
This idiom can be used in casual or formal situations. So, feel free to use in business situations.
Examples 例文

It’s going to be a great party. We went the whole nine yards with food and drink.
Since it’s your birthday, we’re going the whole nine yards tonight. Anything you want.
The investors were disappointed when they saw the prototype, but our company couldn’t go the whole nine yards because it would have been too expensive.
How did you do on your presentation yesterday? Did you give it the whole nine yards?
I gave the whole nine yards, but nobody seemed impressed.
Every Christmas my family always prepares lots of food; homemade breads, meats, wine, cookies, cakes – the whole nine yards.
Use mnemonic! ニーモニックテクニック

Even though this idiom has nothing to do with sports, they can be a useful mnemonic tool here. You can think of a football player needing to move the ball 9 more yards for a touchdown. He breaks through the line of other players, pushing himself to his physical limit to score the touchdown.
Of course, we always encourage you to create your own mnemonic device. It’s much more effect if you do that.
Check out our post on mnemonics basics to learn more.
Variations 類似した表現

This idiom has a surprising number of variations; here are just some of the more popular alternatives. Note that most of these are more casual, so it’s less common to hear them in business situations.
- the full nine yards
- the whole ball of wax
- the whole enchilada
- the whole hog
Bearington is quite partial to ‘the whole enchilada.’
B. Bearingtonは‘the whole enchilada’の言い方が実は好きです。
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