Idiom | The Last Straw

Idiom | The Last Straw
The idiom ‘the straw that broke the camel’s back’ is derived from an older proverb that teaches ‘it’s the last straw that breaks the camel’s back.’ The meaning of the idiom and proverb warn how a minor action can cause a large and unpredictable reaction due to the cumulative effect of previous smaller actions.
The idiom dates back to the mid-1600s. Both the proverb and idiom have a large number of variations, which are noted below.
イディオム ‘the straw that broke the camel’s back’は、より古い諺の‘it’s the last straw that breaks the camel’s back’から派生しています。このイディオムと諺は、過去の少しずつの蓄積があることで、些細な行動が予期せず大きなリアクションをひきおこす可能性もあることを警告しています。
Usage 使い方

This idiom can be used entirely on its own (with the addition of a subjective noun, usually a pronoun, at the beginning) as a reply or reaction to an event.
- A: What do you think of the new check-in procedure at airports?
- B: It’s the straw that broke the camel’s back.
- A: So you’re not going to fly anymore?
- B: I’d rather use the bullet train.
The idiom can also be used as a part of a longer sentence.
When my boss told me I had to start cleaning the toilets as part of my office responsibilities that was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
The idiom is mostly used in the positive form, but it can be used in the negative form or question form. However, it’s not as common.
This idiom is appropriate in both casual and formal situations.
- A: What do you think of the new check-in procedure at airports?
- 空港での新しいチェックインのやり方をどう思う?
- B: It’s the straw that broke the camel’s back.
- B: もう、我慢の限界だよ。
When my boss told me I had to start cleaning the toilets as part of my office responsibilities that was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Examples 例文

I asked my wife for a glass of water and she got mad. I guess that was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
I’ve had a lot of problems with my brother in the past, but when he asked for a loan that was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
That’s the last straw. I won’t be doing any more overtime at my company.
I really don’t like the data input software my company is using. Last week it started making my computer crash every time I tried to run it. That was the last straw.
Use mnemonic! ニーモニックテクニック

Animal idioms are always the easiest to use mnemonics with. Imagine you are working on a farm and have just cut the wheat for harvest. You get a bag and take a camel to help you collect and carry all the straws of wheat. At the beginning, it’s easy for the camel. As you collect more and more, the weight increases and it gets more difficult for the camel. Finally, you add one last straw to the pile on the camel. The camel falls over with a broken back.
Imagine you are going to ride out into the desert on a camel on a week-long trek. All the supplies on their own are light, but as you add each one the burden increases for the camel. The last tiny thing you pack, let’s say a compass, causing the camel to fall over in pain. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Of course, we always encourage you to create your own mnemonic device. It’s much more effect if you do that.
Check out our post on mnemonics basics to learn more.
Variations 類似した表現

There are a number of variations to this idiom. While the two variations explained above are by far the most common, it is not unusual to hear any number of variations. Here is a list of some of the more common ones.
- The final straw
- The last drop makes the cup run over
The follow variations follow a pattern of swapping out the infinitesimal object that breaks their back and/or the animal.
- The straw that broke the horse’s back
- The hair that broke the camel’s back
- The feather that broke the camel’s back
- The melon that broke the monkey’s back
- The last ounce broke the camel’s back
- The straw that broke the donkey’s back