Idiom | The Devil You Know

Idiom | The Devil You Know
The idiom ‘better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know’ means it’s better to deal with a difficult person or situation one already knows instead of dealing with a new person or situation which might be even worse.
The proverb is of Irish origins, being traced back to the mid-1500s. It’s more commonly heard in the UK, but the idiom is fairly well known in the US. Americans tend to shorten it to; the devil you know.
There are a number of books, films, TV shows, and song titles that use the idiom, so this idiom does pop up fairly regularly.
イディオム「better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know」(知らない悪魔より知っている悪魔の方がまし)は、正体不明な人やシチュエーションに対処するよりも、よくわかっている難しい人やシチュエーションに対処する方がまだましという意味です。
アイルランドの諺で、1500年半ばに起源がさかのぼります。英国でより聞かれる諺ですが、米国でもよく知られています。アメリカ人は「the devil you know」で短縮して使うことが多いかもしれません。
Idiom Usage: The Devil You Know 使い方

This idiotic phrase, even in its shortened American version, is a full saying. That is to mean, it doesn’t need any other additional words to function. So, it can be used on its own, or as part of a larger compound sentence.
The idiom is appropriate in both casual and formal situations.

Examples 例文

I hesitated to ask Maria to help out after all the difficulties she caused last time, but better the devil you know.
Many people are unhappy with the current government, but the general view seems to be better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know.
A: Why do you keep using Windows?
B: The devil you know.
A: なんでWindowsを使い続けているの?
B: 正体不明の悪より正体のわかった悪のほうがよいからよ。
Use mnemonic! ニーモニックテクニック

I like to imagine my manager as the devil when making a mnemonic device for this idiom. She is difficult to handle, but I know how to deal her and what to expect. I don’t know much about my manager’s boss, so when I’m making a work proposal I’d rather deal with the devil I know.
Of course, we always encourage you to create your own mnemonic device. It’s much more effect if you do that.
Check out our post on mnemonics basics to learn more.
Variations 類似した表現
- Better the devil you know than the angel you don’t.
- Better the devil you know than the saint you don’t.
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