Idiom | Light Up Like a Christmas Tree

Idiom | Light Up Like a Christmas Tree
The idiom ‘to light up like a Christmas tree’ is an interesting idiom, mainly because it has two main meanings. The first is very brightly illuminated. Generally, Xmas* trees have a lot of lights and flash decorations. So, if something extremely decorated and bright, we can use this idiom.
The other meaning is a bit more interesting. We use to describe a person that is extremely happy and excited, almost to the point of glowing. Usually a person in this state will be smiling and very animated.
Like many idioms we’ve covered here on our website, the origins of where this phrase comes from is a bit unclear. In fact, I couldn’t find any information to support where this idiom comes from or what year it became popular.
「to light up like a Christmas tree」は、主に2つの意味がある、興味深いイディオムです。一つ目の意味は、とても明るく照らされた状態をさします。クリスマスツリーにはたくさんのライトやフラッシュの装飾が施されているのが一般的です。ですので、たくさん装飾された明るいものであれば、このイディオムを使うことができます。
*Xmas can be used in place of Christmas. They are interchangeable and should be read/pronounced the same way.
Idiom Usage: Like a Christmas Tree 使い方

To “light up like a Christmas tree” is almost a full phrase, but it needs a little help getting there. To make the idiom complete, we only need a subject.
*Remember to put the verb ‘light’ into it’s correct form.
Subject + Idiom
She + lit up like a Christmas tree.
The idiom can also be split with an object noun between ‘up’ and ‘like.’ See the example sentences below.
The idiom is bit more casual than formal, but it’s not offensive to use in a formal situations.
“light up like a Christmas tree” はほぼ完全なフレーズですが、完璧にするにはもう少し手を加える必要があります。すなわち、主語を付け加えましょう。
主語 + イディオム
She + lit up like a Christmas tree.

Examples 例文

The wedding reception took place down by the river. The whole beach was lit up like a Christmas tree. It was beautiful.
When he opened the birthday gift, he lit up like a Xmas tree.
During the parade, we light up the whole street like a Christmas tree.
Use mnemonic! ニーモニックテクニック

We don’t have try very hard to use mnemonics for this idiom. Just imagine the Xmas tree at Rockefeller center. It’s big and bright and makes everyone feel happy.
Of course, we always encourage you to create your own mnemonic device. It’s much more effect if you do that.
Check out our post on mnemonics basics to learn more.
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