Idiom | Hair of the Dog

Idiom | Hair of the Dog

Idiom | Hair of the Dog

“Hair of the dog,” short for “hair of the dog that bit you” originally referred to a method of treating a rabid canine bite. Hair from the hound that attacked you was placed in the wound. Spoiler alter; it’s not going to prevent rabies, which is fatal. These days the phrase has a much different meaning.

The idiom infers that consuming the same alcohol that gave one a hangover will cure that person of the effects of said hangover, i.e. the cure for a wine hangover is a glass of wine.

*Keep in mind that we DON’T usually say dogs (or other animals) have hair. We use the word fur.

「Hair of the dog」とは、「hair of the dog that bit you」の略で、もともとは狂犬病にかかった犬に噛まれたときの治療法をさしていました。噛まれた犬の毛を傷口に入れていたのです。ネタバレになりますが、これでは致命的な狂犬病を防ぐことはできません。でも最近では、この言葉は違った意味で使われています。



Idiom Usage 使い方 | Hair of the Dog

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Idiom: Hair of the Dog that Bit You
An Aggressive European Grey Wolf Growling & Ready to Bite (

This idiom can be uses as a full phrase, either as a suggestion or as a statement.

A: I drank too much last night.

B: Hair of the dog that bit you?

A: How can drink after last night?

B: Hair of the dog that bit you!

Depending on the situation, some additional words might be needed to make the idiom sound fuller or to give the proper grammar.

*Unlike most phrasal verbs and idioms, the verb “bite” never changes form because of the grammar tense.


A: I drank too much last night. 昨晩飲みすぎちゃった。

B: Hair of the dog that bit you? 迎え酒でも飲んでみる?

A: How can drink after last night? 昨晩のあとでよく飲めるわよね?

B: Hair of the dog that bit you! 迎え酒よ。



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Examples 例文

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Idiom: Hair of the Dog that Bit You
A Drunk Man Sleeping With a Bottle of Wine at the Ready (

He woke up with a terrible hang over but knew that some hair of the dog that bit him would get him out of bed and feeling right.


You look pretty rough this morning. Want some hair of the dog that bit you?


If you keep drinking like that, you’re gonna need some hair of the dog tomorrow.


Use mnemonic! ニーモニックテクニック

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Idiom: Hair of the Dog that Bit You
Ozzy Osbourne is a Werewolf; Bark at the Moon

A great mnemonic device to help you remember this phrase is to imagine fighting werewolves and using their fur to cure the werewolf’s curse. Ok, that was kind of a strange one, but it should stick in your head now.

Of course, we always encourage you to create your own mnemonic device. It’s much more effect if you do that.

Check out our post on mnemonics basics to learn more.




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