Idiom | Christmas Came Early

Idiom | Christmas Came Early

Idiom | Christmas Came Early

“Christmas came early,” short for “Christmas came early this year” is another idiom with origins hidden in the mystery of time. It is believed to have emerged in the early to mid-20th century, but I cannot find many details to support this.

The idiom is used when something good happens, especially if it was unexpected. It’s common to use when you receive some good news, a gift, a pleasant surprise, or some other excitement similar to the feeling of receiving gifts on Christmas day.

*It’s important to note that the idiom does not refer to the literal concept of Christmas coming earlier in the calendar year or before the actual holiday. Rather, it relies on the symbolic nature of Christmas as a time of joy and excitement.

「Christmas came early this year」を略して 「Christmas came early」はまたもや謎に包まれた起源を持つ慣用句です。20世紀初頭から半ばにかけてうまれたとされていますが、それを裏付けるものはあまり見当たりません。



Idiom Usage 使い方 | Christmas Came Early

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Learn Real English Idiom: Christmas Came Early This Year
A Boyfriend Giving a Surprise Gift To His Girlfriend (

This idiom can be uses as a full phrase, but it’s more often than not used in compound sentences

The idiom is appropriate for both casual and professional settings.



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Examples 例文

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Learn Real English Idiom: Christmas Came Early This Year
A Woman Holding an Acceptance Letter In Front Of a University (

With yesterday’s landslide election win, Christmas came early for the ruling party.


A: I got an acceptance letter in the mail yesterday.

B: Christmas came early this year.



The release of the new album happened earlier than expected, so I felt that Christmas had come early.


Use mnemonic! ニーモニックテクニック

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Learn Real English Idiom: Christmas Came Early This Year
Santa Claus Outdoors Carrying a Sack With Gifts (

A great mnemonic device to help you remember this phrase is to imagine Santa visiting you months before Christmas and he’s bringing you an amazing present.

Of course, we always encourage you to create your own mnemonic device. It’s much more effect if you do that.

Check out our post on mnemonics basics to learn more.




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