Idiom | 86’d

Idiom | 86’d
The idiom “86’d” or “eighty-sixed” (either way is acceptable) is an American slang phrase that most likely began in the 1920s. It’s true origin is unknown, but there are a few theories to where the term comes from.
The one we’d like to believe, mainly because it’s the most interesting, is the one written in the book ‘The History and Stories of the Best Bars of New York’ by Jef Klein. In it, he writes how the illegal prohibition bar would get a warning from the police just before a raid would happen. “They’d (the police) tell the bartender to ’86’ his customers, meaning they should exit via the 86 Bedford (street) door, while the police would come to the Pamela Court entrance.”
The idiom has two meanings, both of which are common. The first means a person is no longer welcome, usually in a business. The other meaning is that an item is no longer available, usually a food or drink item.
「86’d」または 「eighty-sixed」(どちらでも可)というイディオムは、おおよそ1920年代に始まったと考えられるアメリカのスラングです。本当の由来は不明ですが、いくつかの説があります。
一番おもしろい説なので、この説が正しいと信じたいと思うものは、Jef Klein著『The History and Stories of the Best Bars of New York』に書かれているものです。その中では、不法バーが手入れを受ける直前に警察から警告を受ける様子が書いてあります。「警察が客を「86」させるようにバーテンダーにつげるのです。すなわち、Pamela Courtの入り口に警察が来る間に、客を86 Bedford(通り)のドアから出て逃がすようにという意味になっています。
Idiom Usage 使い方 | 86’d

To use this idiom properly we need to treat ’86’ like a verb. While it usually appears in the past tense form, but it can be used in all the other verb forms.
- I’ve been 86ing people all day.
- I’m going to 86 him if he doesn’t lower voice.
A subject will need to be added and usually either the verb ‘be’ or ‘got.’
The phrase can also be combined and used in a compound sentence (see below).
Subject + Verb ‘be’ or ‘got’ + Idiom
He got 86’d.
The idiom is appropriate for both casual and professional settings.
- I’ve been 86ing people all day. 私は一日中人を出禁にし続けた。
- I’m going to 86 him if he doesn’t lower voice. 彼が声を下げないのならば、出禁にします。
主語 + 動詞 「be」もしくは 「got」 + イディオム
He got 86’d.

Examples 例文

She was really drunk and got 86’d from the bar last night.
The new owner decided to 86 the entire menu and start fresh.
They were 86’d by the police.
Use mnemonic! ニーモニックテクニック

An interesting mnemonic device to help you remember this idiom is to think of the phrase ‘turning tricks,’ which is a slang term for a prostitute selling sex. Tricks rhymes with sixed.
- Turning tricks gets you 86’d.
Of course, we always encourage you to create your own mnemonic device. It’s much more effect if you do that.
Check out our post on mnemonics basics to learn more.
このイディオムを覚えるのに役立つ面白いニーモニックデバイスは、性を売る売春婦の俗語である「turning tricks」というフレーズを思い浮かべることだ。Tricksはsixedと韻を踏んでいます。
- Turning tricks gets you 86’d. 売春することで出禁になる。
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