Hayato Sumino | Learn Real English

Learn Real English | Hayato Sumino
Japanese musician and piano virtuoso Hayato Sumino has delighted audiences around the world with his incredible playing.
In these video lessons we’ll hear Hayato Sumino speaking English, playing piano, and collaborating with international artist. We’ll learn some of the key phrases and how to use them. This is a must watch for any lovers of classical music!
Transcript | Hayato Sumino: What Would He Ask Chopin?

I have been playing the piano since I was three. And what else? Um, I enjoy watching YouTube.
When I was five or six, I played Polonaise No. 13 in A flat major. Um… But, um, but at that moment I was too young so I couldn’t pay attention to the composer.
But later when I turned seven years old, I play Chopin Waltz No. 14 and I felt it was very beautiful and then I fell in love with Chopin’s music.
I want ask him a lot of things but I have no idea how to talk to him on the street. Um, I might say; “Hello, nice to meet you. Can I ask you to do piano lesson for me? I really love your compositions.”
Transcript | Hayato Sumino & José James

My expectations on my first collaboration with Hayato were very high because I’ve watched videos of him performing and I know that he’s an incredible pianist, um and composer in his own right. And I wanted to take this opportunity to see what we could do together that would be unusual for both of us.
Hayato is incredibly gifted as a musician but also as a, a listener. And I think that’s, like, really gonna be apparent when you watch him. You can hear how he’s following my voice, leading, and then when he takes a solo exploding and bringing such depth and nuance from this keyboard.
Hayato, as a pianist, is incredible. Um, his technique is perfect, as far as I can see. You know, and he really, um, puts his technique to the best use, I think, which is expressing his heart. You know, I think technique doesn’t matter unless there’s an emotion behind it.
Transcript | Hayato Sumino in NYC

Basically, I like playing in public. I feel special feelings. I don’t know why but when I play in front of audiences I feel something really special.
But I also like in front of online audiences. When I watch comments, when I watch number of viewers; I can feel.
Um, you did amazing. Um, it just, um, I don’t know. That… This just warms my heart.
Hayato Sumino?
Oh, very cool.
Oh, Thank you. Thank you.
I watched your video… your Winter Wind hundreds of times.
This guy was in the International Chopin competition.
Oh wow.
He’s a, like, legit…
Yeah, cause I saw you. I, I, I recognize you from a…
Thank you.
Thank you.
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