The Beatles In Japan | Learn Real English

Learn Real English | The Beatles In Japan
The Beatles came to Japan in the summer 1966 on their final tour of their career. On June 29th, 1966, they gave an interview to the Japanese press at the Tokyo Hilton Hotel. The Beatles talk about their opinions about Japan and their Japanese fans.
In this lesson, we will take a look at the press conference, learn some of the key phrases and how to use them.

Interview Transcript: The Beatles In Japan Part I

- How many times [do] you wash your hair in a week?
Ringo: About once.
- Once in a week?
George: It depends, you know.
John: It depends on how hot it is. How dirt you get.
Ringo: It depends on what you do.
- Do you cut it often?
Ringo: That’s the same, you know, whenever you feel like it. As you don’t do it every week. You don’t do it every month. You know, it just happens.
- Well, I’ll be the MC for your show at the… Well, I have a few questions here. Did you have a good sleep?
Paul: Yes, yes. Fine.
- Did you have knowledge about Japan before coming?
Paul: Yes, a little bit. Not much though.
George: About as much as we know about most places we got to.
- Well, how are the Japanese fans?
Paul: Great. Seem, very great. Yeah, we get lots of letters from Japan.
- Oh, but you did meet them at the airport.
Paul: Not really.
All: No.
Ringo: No one came.
George: We didn’t see thing. All we saw was lights.
Ringo: It’s amazing security. I’ve never seen so many guarding us.
- And um, we don’t want you to, um, be hurt or anything, so…
Ringo: No.
- We’re trying our best.
Ringo: But we don’t want the security to hurt the fans, you know. Don’t get too rough with them.
- And, um, what musician and composer do you respect most?
Paul: Oh, I don’t know really. John Lennon.
John: Paul McCartney.
- And, um, Paul’s marriage?
Paul: Yes. It’s not true.
George: It’s not true.
- It’s not true?
Paul: It’s wrong. It’s George’s marriage.
- George’s marriage?
Paul: These three are married.
Interview Transcript: The Beatles In Japan Part II

- Your coming to Japan has been referred to by the Japanese press as the arrival of the Beatles typhoon. Can you think of anything in the connection between the two?
John: There’s probably more wind from the press than from us.
- What understanding of Japan did you come to this country with?
Paul: Um, yeah, we don’t much about Japan except what we’ve read or seen on film. About once. Um…
John: And we don’t believe all that.
Paul: Hm, but it seemed like a good place. Pretty good. Wonderful.
- What do you think the differences are between Japanese fans of yours and teenagers elsewhere in the world?
Paul: I think the only difference with fans anywhere, is that they speak different languages. That’s all. That’s the only difference. And they’re smaller here.
- The Japanese all smaller?
Paul: Yeah, they’re smaller.
John: (UNCLEAR) …smaller.
Paul: They are. Everyone is smaller here.
- Why do you think that you are popular, not only in Western countries, but in Asian countries, like Japan?
John: It’s the same answer as before about the fans that they’re international. The only difference is the language. That’s why, you know, all different kinds of people like us.
Ringo: And also because the East is becoming so Westernized in cloths, it’s doing the same with music. You know, it’s just happening, isn’t it? Pretty soon we’ll all be the same.
- Some Japanese say that your performance will violate the Budokan, which is devoted to traditional Japanese martial arts, and you set a bad example for Japanese youth by leading them astray from traditional Japanese values. What do you think of all that?
Paul: The thing is, if somebody from Japan, if a dancing troupe from Japan goes to Britain; nobody tries to say in Britain that they’re violating the traditional laws, you know. Or that they’re trying to spoil anything. All we’re doing is coming here and singing because we’ve been asked to.
John: And better to watch singing than wrestling, anyway.
Paul: We’re not trying to violate anything. Um, we’re just as traditional anyway.
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