Idiom | The Early Bird Gets The Worm

Idiom | The Early Bird Gets The Worm

The idiom “the early bird gets the worm” is an old expression. The idiom means that someone will have an advantage if they do something…

Idiom | Like Turkeys Voting For Christmas

Idiom | Like Turkeys Voting For Christmas

The idiom “like turkeys voting for Christmas” is fairly new and very British, since it’s common to eat turkeys on Xmas. It means that a…

Idiom | 86’d

Idiom | 86’d

The idiom “86’d” or “eighty-sixed” is an American slang phrase that most likely began in the 1920s. The idiom has two meanings, both are …

Idiom | Idle Hands Are The Devil’s Workshop

Idiom | Idle Hands Are The Devil’s Workshop

The idiom “idle hands are the Devil’s workshop” originates from the Bible but It’s most current form emerge in 1971. It means a person…

Idiom | Wear One’s Heart On One’s Sleeve

Idiom | Wear One’s Heart On One’s Sleeve

The idiom to “wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve” is yet other expression that is widely credited to Shakespeare. The phrase means to make …

Idiom | Ace Up One’s Sleeve

Idiom | Ace Up One’s Sleeve

The idiom an “ace up one’s sleeve” originated in 1800s America, but began life life much earlier in a slightly different form. It means to…

Idiom | Play Cards Close to One’s Chest

Idiom | Play Cards Close to One’s Chest

The idiom “to play one’s cards close to one’s chest” originated in 1800s America, most likely from the card game poker. The idiom means to…

Idiom | Call a Spade a Spade

Idiom | Call a Spade a Spade

The idiom “call a spade a spade” has a long and colorful history. The spade in question is not the suit from a deck of playing cards, but …

Idiom | Keep Your Shirt On

Idiom | Keep Your Shirt On

The idiom “keep your shirt on” refers to the tendency of men to take their shirt off before fighting, which helps explain what the phrase …

Idiom | Rain On My Parade

Idiom | Rain On My Parade

The idiom ‘to rain on someone’s parade’ is a fairly young idiom, popularized by Barbra Streisand. The idiom means to prevent someone from …