Idiom | The Early Bird Gets The Worm

Idiom | The Early Bird Gets The Worm
The idiom “the early bird gets the worm” is an expression that appeared in a number of books in the 1600s, with its first mention most likely in a 1605 book of proverbs by William Camden, though some credit it to John Ray’s collection of proverbs some decades later. The history of the proverb before that is not clear, but it may have been inspired by a verse in the Bible that reads:
“Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near” (Isaiah 55:6).
The idea behind the expression is that the birds that wake up the earliest have the best chance of catching a good meal, since no other birds have awoken to pick for worms.
The idiom means that someone will have an advantage if they do something immediately, or before other people do it.
The phrase is so common that a shortened version of ‘early bird’ is frequently used, for example in restaurants; the early bird special.
「The early bird gets the worm」というイディオムは、1600年代に色々な書物に登場し、その最初の記述は1605年のウィリアム・カムデンによる格言集の可能性が高いが、それから数十年後のジョン・レイの格言集だとする説もあります。それ以前の諺の歴史は定かではないのですが、聖書の一節からヒントを得た可能性もあります:
「あなたがたは主にお会いすることのできるうちに、 主を尋ねよ。 近くおられるうちに呼び求めよ。」(イザヤ書 55:6)。
このフレーズは一般的なため「early bird」のような短縮形でもよく使われます。例えばレストランで「the early bird special」のような形で使われていたりもします。
Idiom Usage 使い方 | The Early Bird Gets The Worm

This idiom is a full phrase and can be used on its own.
The phrase can also be combined and used in a compound sentence (see below).

Examples 例文

When shopping for bargains, the early bird gets the worm.
Do you agree that the early bird gets the worm?
She started waking up at 5am and going to the office before everyone else, believing that the early bird gets the worm. Sadly, no one knew she was doing this.
Use mnemonic! ニーモニックテクニック

A mnemonic device to help you remember this idiom is to imagine birds singing in the early morning, out collecting worms before the other animals are awake.
Of course, we always encourage you to create your own mnemonic device. It’s much more effect if you do that.
Check out our post on mnemonics basics to learn more.
Variations 類似した表現

- The early bird catches the worm
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