Understand False Flattery

Understand False Flattery
Sometimes when a person wants something they might give a lot compliments that aren’t genuine. In Japanese we say grinding sesame. There are a number of colorful idiomatic ways to describe people who blatantly use false flattery.
Commonly Used Expressions in False Flattery よく使われる表現

◆Butter up (phrasal verb 句動詞)
Butter is a verb, so an –ed or –ing ending can be added.
- I want a nice Christmas gift this year so I have been buttering up my boyfriend.
- Stop trying to butter me up.
Butterは動詞です。ですので、終わりに 「ed」もしくは「ing」をつけ加えることができます。
- I want a nice Christmas gift this year so I have been buttering up my boyfriend.
- すてきなクリスマスプレゼントがほしくって、彼氏のご機嫌をとっているんだ。
- Stop trying to butter me up.
- ご機嫌をとろうとしないでよ。
◆Brown-noser (noun 名詞)
We can turn brown noser into a verb by dropping the –er ending; to brown nose. It (and the rest of the following phrases) is usually used in the –ing form.
- Julie always stays after class to help the teacher clean up. She’s such a brown-noser.
- Yeah, she’s clearly brown nosing.
Brown-noser は名詞ですが、 Brown-nose/Brownnose と動詞として使うことも可能な表現です。通常、動詞の場合、 「ing」が後ろについて使われることが多いです。
- Julie always stays after class to help the teacher clean up. She’s such a brown-noser.
- Julieっていつも授業のあと残って、先生のお片づけのお手伝いをしているよね。彼女って本当におべっか使いだわ!
- Yeah, she’s clearly brown nosing.
- いや本当に、彼女、明らかにごますりしているよね。
◆ Kiss-up/Suck-up (noun/verb 名詞/動詞)
Kiss-up/suck-up can be used as nouns and should be hyphenated. They can also be used as verbs, which should not be hyphenated.
- Bob spent the whole meeting sucking up to the boss.
- We just hired a new salesperson and she’s a real kiss-up.
- In order to improve my grades I sucked up to every teacher right before the end of the year.
- In order to improve my grades I would suck-up to every teacher right before the end of the year.
名詞ではKiss-up/Suck-up、動詞ではKiss up/Suck upで使います。
- Bob spent the whole meeting sucking up to the boss.
- Bobは、ミーティングの間ず~っと、上席にごますりしていわよ。
- We just hired a new salesperson and she’s a real kiss-up.
- 新しい営業をやとったんだけど、彼女本当におべっか使いだわ・・・。
- In order to improve my grades I would suck-up to every teacher right before the end of the year.
- 成績をあげるため、 年がおわる前までにすべての先生へご機嫌とりをするかも。
◆ Ass-kisser (noun 名詞)
Unlike the other phrases, this one can be reversed. In the noun form the –er ending is dropped.
- If you want a promotion you need to start some ass kissing.
- If you want a promotion you need to start kissing some ass.
- Alice is very opened and honest with her opinions. She’s not an ass-kisser.
- Alice is very opened and honest with her opinions. She’s not a kiss-ass.
- I kissed a lot of ass when I first started my job.
Ass-kisser/Kiss-ass は名詞として、 Kiss ass/Ass kissは動詞として使うことも可能な表現です。
- If you want a promotion you need to start some ass kissing.
- If you want a promotion you need to start kissing some ass.
- 昇進したいんだったら、ごますりをはじめたほうがいいよ。
- Alice is very opened and honest with her opinions. She’s not an ass-kisser.
- Alice is very opened and honest with her opinions. She’s not a kiss-ass.
- Aliceはとてもオープンで正直だよ。彼女はごますりはしないね。
- I kissed a lot of ass when I first started my job.
- 仕事を始めたころは、ご機嫌とりばかりしていたよ。
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