Learn English Idioms | What’s Good For The Goose

Learn English Idioms | What’s Good For The Goose

What’s Good For The Goose | An Idiom Native Speakers Often Get Wrong

You might not believe it, but sometimes native speakers don’t know or use English correctly. Such is the case with the idiom ‘what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.’

The idiom is simple enough to use, since it’s a complete phrase. However, knowing and how and when to use it is the trick. Check out this helpful short video which explains the finer points of this idiom.


「what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.」は間違われやすいイディオムに実はなりえます。これ一つで完結できるイディオムということもあり、シンプルなのでよく使われます。いつ、どんな場面で使えばよいのか、知っていることは非常に大切です。このイディオムの詳細を短編の動画で説明しますので、ぜひ確認してみてくださいね。

Video Vocab | What’s Good for the Goose

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Idiom What's Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander
Blonde Woman With a Smelly Sock (envato.com)

Did you have any difficult understanding the video? Don’t worry, there’s a lot of difficult phrases in there. We made a vocabulary list to help give you a better understanding of the slang, idioms, and difficult words used throughout the video.


➣Nouns 名詞

◆Double Standard

A rule or principle which is unfairly applied in different ways to different people or groups.

There’s a clear double standard between the police and regular citizens, as cops don’t give each other speeding tickets.



◆Gander (noun 名詞)

A male goose.

There are only geese at the pond with no ganders to be found.



➣Adjectives 形容詞


Graceful, polite, and behaving in a way that is thought to be socially acceptable for a woman.

My last girlfriend wasn’t very lady-like. Her cloths were dirty and she always ate with her mouth opened.



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English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi
English Stripped Bare Culture Page (G. McGregor/ https://pawprintphoto.net)

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English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi
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