What Everyone Gets Wrong About Christmas

What Everyone Gets Wrong About Christmas
Christmas dates back almost 2000 years, when the Romans began celebrating the birth of Jesus in 336AD. Since then the holiday has spread around the world, as well as changing quite a lot over that time.
Each culture has their own way of celebrating the holiday, so it is really surprising to see how people in other countries celebrate Xmas. It’s also incredibly interesting and entertaining to see how different the celebrations are.
Let’s learn American culture and English together!

Christmas Video Vocab

Did you have any difficult understanding the video? Don’t worry, there’s a lot of difficult phrases in there. We made a vocabulary list to help give you a better understanding of the slang, idioms, and difficult words used throughout the video.
This is the shortened form for Christmas. Even thought the spelling is different, the pronunciation does not change. It is common to see this spelling in newspapers and advertisements, where space is an issue and advertisers have to pay by the letter.
◆Hanukkah [can also be spelt Chanukah Chanukahと綴られることもあります]
An eight-day wintertime Jewish holiday, also referred to the “festival of lights.” The eight nights are celebrated with a nightly menorah (candle set) lighting, prayers, and fried foods. Children will also receive gifts on each day of the holiday.
8日間にわたる冬の時期のユダヤ教の祭日。 光の祭りと呼ばれることもあります。 夜ごとにメノラー(燭台)に灯がともされ、お祈り、揚げ物とともに8日間夜な夜なお祝いがなされます。祭日中毎日子供たちには贈り物が届きます。
◆Kwanza [can also be spelt Kwanzaa Kwanzaaと綴られることもあります ]
A secular holiday that celebrates African-American culture. It is held from December 26th to January 1st. There is a communal feast, called Karamu, which is usually held on the 6th day of the holiday.
アフリカ系アメリカ人の文化をお祝いする 宗教色のない祭日。12月26日から1月1日まで開催されます。通常祭日の6日目に Karamu とよばれるコミューンの食事会がある。
A secular holiday celebrated on December 23rd as an alternative to the pressures and commercialism of the Christmas season. In place of a Christmas tree, there is unadorned aluminum Festivus pole. Other Festivus traditions include the “Airing of Grievances,” “Feats of Strength,” and “Festivus miracles.”
クリスマスシーズンの圧や商業主義へのかわりとして、12月23日にお祝いされる宗教色のない祭日。クリスマスツリーのかわりに、飾りのないアルミのフェスティバスポールがおかれます。他のフェスティバスの慣習としては、(相手に対する)不平不満をいう、強さをほこる、 フェスティバス ミラクル(ミラクルではないものをミラクルのようにおもしろおかしくいうこと)などがあります。
➣Adjectives 形容詞
Not connected with religious or spiritual matters.
America is mostly a secular society, where the church has little influence on people’s lives.
➣Idioms/Phrasal Verbs イディオム/句動詞
◆If This Is Wrong, I Don’t Want To Be Right
Said when someone does care about the social, political, and/or moral values of an issue as they believe the opposite opinion to be wrong, misguided, or improper.
If loving you is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
◆Crack [someone] Up
To make laugh.
That movie really cracks me up.
Christmas Cookies

If you want to try some American Christmas cookies, check out our cooking website.
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