Talking About Illnesses

Talking About Illnesses
One of the most difficult things to do in another language is talking about illnesses. The worst things that could possible happen to you when you are traveling or in another country is becoming ill and needing to describe your illness to a doctor. Take it from us; we’ve been there more than once. If you are on your own, it makes the situation even harder.
As you might imagine, having to communicate in another language is a million times harder when you are ill and in pain.
It goes without saying that the right time for learning new phrases is not when you’re sick.
海外で話題になった日本語のTV番組をクリップにいれつつ、最後にB. Bearingtonが歌手デビューをするトンデモな仕上がりになっていますので、動画で楽しく一緒に勉強していきましょう♪。
Illnesses: Common Phrases よく使われるフレーズ
The best time to learn key phrases for describing illnesses is before you need them. These phrases deal with a range of severity, starting with mild issues and working up to asking for serious help.
It should be noted that native English speakers talk more about how they feel vs. what they feel.
- I’m under the weather today.
- I’m not feeling very well.
- I feel sick.
- I think I need to see a doctor.
- I need to go to the hospital.
- Call an ambulance!
- I’m under the weather today. 今日は体調がすぐれない。
- I’m not feeling very well. あまり体調がよくない。
- I feel sick. 体調が悪い。
- I think I need to see a doctor. クリニックへいく必要があると思う。(1.参照)
- I need to go to the hospital. 病院へいく必要がある。(1.参照)
- Call an ambulance! 救急車を呼んで!
1. Doctors vs. Hospitals「see a doctor」と「go to the hospital」の違い

There is quite a difference between going to the doctor and go to the hospital. In the US, we say we need to see a doctor when we have a cold or something less serious. When Americans use the word hospital, it’s usually for something serious or life threatening. Generally, an American would not go to the hospital if they had cold symptoms.
風邪やそこまで深刻ではない症状のときは「see a doctor」で表現します。
2. Talking about Symptoms Symptoms(症状)について

If we need to go beyond how we feel, then we need to be able describe what we feel. Normally, native speakers don’t go into a lot of detail when talking to friends and/or co-workers.
We might say something very general:
- I have an upset stomach.
- I have a headache.
We usually wouldn’t tell our co-workers we have a bad case of diarrhea. This is way too graphic and most people don’t want to hear this.
Knowing your symptoms is important when talking to a doctor.
- Headache
- Fever
- Runny Nose
- Stuffed up Nose
- Cough
- Sore Throat
- Body Aches/Joint Pain
- Stomach Ache
- Diarrhea
Here is a simple formula for talking about what you feel.
I have (a) symptom.
- I have an upset stomach. おなかの調子がわるいの。
- I have a headache. 頭痛がするわ。
- Headache 頭痛
- Fever 熱
- Runny Nose 鼻水がでる
- Stuffed up Nose 鼻がつまっている
- Cough せき
- Sore Throat のどの痛み
- Body Aches/Joint Pain 体の痛み/関節の痛み
- Stomach Ache 腹痛
- Diarrhea 下痢
I have (a) symptom. 🡺 私は(具体的な症状の単語をいれる)があります。
3. Role-Play ロールプレイ

Doctor) How do you feel?
Patient) Not well.
Doctor) What’s wrong?
Patient) I have a headache and sore throat.
Doctor) How do you feel? 医師)どんなふうに感じますか。
Patient) Not well. 患者)あまりよくありません。
Doctor) What’s wrong? 医師)いかがされましたか。
Patient) I have a headache and sore throat. 患者)頭痛とのどの痛みがあります。
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