Taylor Swift & Japan | Learn Real English

Taylor Swift & Japan | Learn Real English

Learn Real English | Taylor Swift & Japan

Taylor Swift, arguably one of the most famous celebrities in the world, opens up about her feelings about Japan and Japanese.

In these video lessons we’ll take a look at some of Taylor Swift’s appearances on American TV and Japanese TV. Let’s see what’s being said, learn some of the key vocabulary, and how to use them.



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Transcript | Taylor Swift & Japan: Part I

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Culture & Music: Taylor Swift, Japan, & Speaking Japanese
A Truck Driving Around Tokyo Welcoming Taylor Swift

When I’m in Japan, I just speaking in Japanese the entire show. Kawaii!

It’s really fun in other countries. Um, I love the fans there and we get to play arenas and it’s really wonderful. And…

Sometimes, I mean, it’s… it’s interesting because you go over there and they don’t speak the same language as you, so I always try to sort of, like, adapt myself a little bit by learning a few phrases or whatever.

  • Right.

Like it’s…

  • I think that’s a great thing to do.

Well sometimes it’s, sometimes it fails miserably, but, like, I… Um, but when I’m on… like, when I’m in Japan, like, I just speak in Japan… in Japanese the entire show.

  • No you don’t.

Yeah! I don’t sing in Japanese, but I speak in Japanese.

  • You, you, you can actually… you’re conversant in Japanese to get through, like, like a 90 minute concert in Japan?

Well, I mean you just… you just memorize some of it. You figure out what it… what it means to say.

  • Well, like, what do you… what do you say?

Like, you go, like; tanoshi ne Osaka. And then you go, like; arigato gozaimasu. And then; Nippon daisuki. And; Nippon psycho. And; kawaii. Like…

  • Wow! What did you… What did you say?

I… First I said; are you having fun Osaka? Then I said; I love Japan. Then I said, um; Japan is awesome. And then I said; cute! 

  • Well.

  • Are… are… are… are fans in Japan, um, more reserved than they are in other parts of the world?

No, they’re awesome.

  • They go crazy?

Yeah! They’re amazing. It’s so cool. Like, I love all the crowds from other places and I really love it when people get really emotional. Like, cause I’m a really emotional person. I get very excited very easily. And so when, like, people come up to me and start crying it’s… I just… I don’t know why, I like that. It’s cool.

  • Yeah. They’re, they’re, they’re crying because they, they can’t believe that they’re standing right in front of you and um…

I hope that’s why.

  • Yeah. Yeah. Not like you’re standing on their foot.


Transcript | Taylor Swift & Japan: Part II

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Culture & Music: Taylor Swift, Japan, & Speaking Japanese
Taylor Swift Performing on Stage

Konichwa, Japan. It’s Taylor Swift. I can’t wait to see you.

Hai. Ni… Nipon diasuki. Um, I absolutely love coming back here, and um, it’s been so amazing to experience the fans during the live shows. And… I’m really excited about the idea of playing more shows in Japan. And, um, everybody’s been just so welcoming when we come and I really appreciate that.

It’s been amazing.

I have some favorite Japanese words. I love, um, kawaii. And I love saiko. Saiko.

And I love, um… I love, like, if I’m standing on a stage and I’ll say to the crowd, like; “moriaga teru.” Like… And, um, what else? What else do I know that I really like? I mean, I love how everybody is like; ‘arigato gazaimusu.’ Um…

And, um, I like the… I like, um, kind of nodding your head to show respect. I think it’s a beautiful custom.

If I had one whole day off here I would… I would, um, go to… Where would I go? Like the Harajuku district is really nice. And then Shibuya.

Um… And I think I’d try to do a little bit of wandering around. You know, we’re always so busy that I never get to just walk places.

So I’d really like to wander around. Like the back alleys of Harajuku. Aren’t those supposed to be really good? Yeah. We’ll, I’d like to do that.

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