Shohei Ohtani Speaks English | Learn Real English

Learn Real English | Shohei Ohtani Speaks English
LA Angles’ pitcher Shohei Ohtani speaks English with former MLB pitcher and sportscaster Mark Steven Gubicza in an interview on ‘Gubie Tuseday.’ Let’s take a look at what Shohei says, learn some of the key phrases and how to use them.
LAアングルスの大谷翔平投手が、元MLB投手でスポーツキャスターのマーク・スティーブン・グビッチャ氏のインタビュー「Gubie Tuseday」で英語を話しています。翔平選手の発言を見て、キーフレーズとその使い方を学んでみましょう。

Shohei Ohtani Speaks English Transcript

- Alright, Shohei. Who’s your favorite character on ‘Stranger Things?’
Um, Dustin.
- Why’s that?
Um, like he’s funny.
- Funny?
- Oh on that one. Alright, so what you rather do; hit a 400 foot home run or throw 100mph fast ball?
Hit a home run. Home run. Yeah.
- You think you can hit the home run off of me, then? Get that 400 feet off of me?
Yup. Maybe.
- You killed me on that one. Thanks, Shohei. I appreciate it, man. Arigato.
Thank you.
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