Nasubi; The Contestant | Learn Real English

Nasubi; The Contestant | Learn Real English

Learn Real English | Nasubi; The Contestant

Tomoaki Hamatsu, better known as Nasubi, is a Japanese comedian best known for his role in the hit TV show Denpa Shonen in the late 90s. During the show, he was trapped in a room naked and had to survive by winning prizes.

In this lesson we’ll take a look at the cultural impact Denpa Shone has had on contemporary society. With clips from the documentary ‘The Contestant’ we’ll see what was said in a few clips, learn some of the key vocabulary, and how to use them. A must watch for any fans of Denpa Shonen.

なすびの愛称で知られる浜津 智明さんは、90年代後半に大ヒットしたテレビ番組「電波少年」に出演したことでよく知られている日本のコメディアンです。番組中、彼は全裸で部屋に閉じ込められ、賞品を獲得して生き延びなければなりませんでした。


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Transcript | Nasubi; The Contestant

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Culture Movies Nasubi The Contestant Denpa Shonen
Tomoaki Nasubi with “The Contestant” director Clair Titley

It’s the hit of the season.

Every week, more than 30 million people tune in.

Centers on a man trying to win his way out of a tiny apartment, surviving just on the prizes from magazine sweepstakes.

Nasubi does know he’s being filmed, but he doesn’t know why.

He has no food and he only wears clothes when he’s won enough competitions to earn them.

It’s all part of a new phenomenon which is called webcam.

‘Denpa Shonen’ had a pretty good audience, but this segment was totally different than anything they had done before. And people started talking about it, and it gradually grew and grew. And it became this sensation. And it was one of the most successful and popular shows in Japan at the time.

Reality TV was not yet a thing.

‘The Truman Show,’ which was that same sort of concept, didn’t come out till later the same year. And ‘Big Brother’ was a couple of years in the future.

Nasubi was completely naked, so they had to cover up his genitalia with something.

They started with a big black dot. But, Nasubi’s name means eggplant, so they quickly switched that out for an emoji in the shape of an eggplant.

Which, as years have gone by, has now become completely current parlance in emoji for penis.

So th… that’s probably where it all started.

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