Will Smith Slaps Chris Rock at the Oscars!

Learn English: Will Smith Slaps Chris Rock at the Oscars!
Will Smith slapped comedian Chris Rock at the 2022 Oscars when he was presenting an award. What did Rock actually say and how did Smith reply? We broke down all the language to help you understand the “slap heard ’round the world.”
2022年アカデミー賞:ウィル・スミスが クリス・ロックを平手打ち
2022年アカデミー賞で賞を贈ろうとしていた際に、Will SmithがコメディアンのChris Rockを平手打ちする事件がありました。Rockは実際になんていっていたのでしょうか、またSmithはどのように返答したのでしょうか。世界に響きわたった平手打ち事件をよく理解できるように使われた英語を解説していきます。
Video Vocab: Will Smith at the Oscars

Did you have any difficult understanding the video? Don’t worry, there’s a lot of difficult phrases in there. We made a vocabulary list to help give you a better understanding of the slang, idioms, and difficult words used throughout the video.
➣Nouns 名詞
A joke.
She made several cracks about my weight on our date.
Also known as spot baldness, is a condition in which hair is lost from some or all areas of the body.
Around 150 million suffer from alopecia worldwide.
spot baldness(円形脱毛症)としても知られているが、一部、もしくは体全体に及び毛を失う健康状態のこと。
➣Idioms/Phrasal Verbs イディオム/句動詞
◆Let’s Rock
A slang American idiom that means to start or begin.
Everything is packed for the trip so let’s rock.
◆Kick Off
To start something.
We kicked things off with some fireworks.
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