Improving Your English By Thinking

How To Improve Your English By Thinking!
If you want to improve your English, then you need to start by thinking in English instead of Japanese.
Boosting your English by thinking might seem really difficult at first, but it’s easy to get started. Let’s look at some ways we can get started with this helpful video.
Bonus おまけ

As a fun side note, here’s a little information about ‘fatality.’
The phrase is popular in the US and Europe because it is part of the long running video game franchise ‘Mortal Kombat.’ The game is a tournament fighting game, very similar to ‘Street Fighter.’ At the end of a match, a player could enter a special button combination that would unlock a unique finishing animation to kill the other player in a very bloody way.
This created a lot of controversy when the game was released in 1992 and since then has become a well known pop cultural reference in the West.
このフレーズは実は欧米ではかなり人気があります。というのも、人気のあるロングセラーのビデオゲーム「Mortal Kombat」にでてくるからなんです。このゲームはトーナメント式の格闘ゲームで、「Street Fighter」によく似ています。試合の終わりに、とあるコンビネーションのボタンをおすことで、特別なアニメーションをアンロックし、えぐい方法で相手プレイヤーを殺すことができるようになっています。
A fatality, as it is used here, means a huge mistake. Usually an error we won’t be able to recover from.
I was an hour late for my late yesterday and it was an instant fatality.
Keep Studying

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