Idiom | Rain On My Parade

Idiom | Rain On My Parade

Idiom | Rain On My Parade

The idiom “to rain on someone’s parade” is very much unlike most of the idioms we have covered on our website. For starters, it is much younger than many common idioms. It also has a much clearer history of it’s origin. The phrase probably originates in the very early 1900s, but it was definitely popularized in 1963 by the Broadway musical ‘Funny Girl.’ The play has a musical number called ‘Don’t Rain On My Parade’ which is performed by Barbra Streisand.

The idiom means to prevent someone from enjoying something or spoiling a moment in time. Basically, to mention bad news or to give negative information to someone who is happy/excited about something.

「to rain on someone’s parade」というイディオムは、今までここで取り上げてきた慣用句とは大きく異なっています。まず、一般的なイディオムに比べますと歴史が浅く、発祥の歴史もよりはっきりしています。このフレーズの起源は1900年代のごく初期のころと想定されます。1963年にブロードウェイ・ミュージカル『ファニー・ガール』によって広まったことは間違いありません。この作品には、バーブラ・ストライサンドが歌う「Don’t Rain On My Parade」というミュージカルナンバーがあります。


Idiom Usage 使い方 | Rain On My Parade

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Learn Real English Idiom: To Rain on Someone's Parade
A Group of Majorettes Playing in a Parade on the Streets (

To use this idiom properly we usually combine the phrase in a compound sentence. The idiom appears in the first half and is then followed by the negative news. The phrase is often accompanied by starting with the words ‘I hate’ or ‘I’m sorry.’

I hate/I’m sorry + Idiom + Negative News

I hate + to rain on your parade, + but the bar is closing.

It is also possible to use this idiom as response to negative news by adding ‘don’t’ before the idiom.

  • A: The bar is closing in 5 minutes.
  • B: Don’t rain on my parade.

このイディオムは、通常、重文として使われます。このイディオムが前半に登場し、その後に否定的なニュースが続く形となります。なお、「I hate」や「I’m sorry」という言葉で始まることが多いです。

I hate/I’m sorry + イディオム + ネガティブなお知らせ

I hate + to rain on your parade, + but the bar is closing.

また、この慣用句の前に 「don’t 」を付け加えることで、否定的なニュースに対する返答としてこのイディオムを使えます。

  • A: The bar is closing in 5 minutes.
  • B: Don’t rain on my parade.
English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi, Learn Culture, Music, Sports, Movies, ESL; Free Newsletter & Practice Exercises

Examples 例文

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Learn Real English Idiom: To Rain on Someone's Parade
A Group Women Celebrating After Finishing A Big Project (

I hate to rain on their parade, but all their work needs to be redone.


A: I heard that everyone needs to work next weekend.

B: Oh come on. Don’t rain on my parade.



I’m sorry to rain on your parade, but you need to leave. It’s closing time.


Use mnemonic! ニーモニックテクニック

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Learn Real English Idiom: To Rain on Someone's Parade
Raining on a Parade, Literally (

A great mnemonic device is to picture having a good time at a parade when it suddenly it starts to rain, making everyone unhappy.

Of course, we always encourage you to create your own mnemonic device. It’s much more effect if you do that.

Check out our post on mnemonics basics to learn more.




Variations 類似した表現

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Learn Real English Idiom: To Rain on Someone's Parade
A Wet Dog with a Wet Blanket By the Riverside (
  • Reign on (someone’s) parade (a common misspelling)
  • To burst (someone’s) bubble
  • To be a wet blanket

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