Idiom | Keep Your Shirt On

Idiom | Keep Your Shirt On

Idiom | Keep Your Shirt On

The idiom “keep your shirt on” refers to the tendency of men (women too, as bare-breasted, bare-knuckle female boxing was actually a thing in the Western World as far back as the 18th century) to take their shirts off before fighting, which is a practice continued today. The idea might have been born out of a time when most people only had only a couple sets of clothes which would have been expensive to fix or replace if they were damaged or badly stained with something like blood.

It’s first appearance in writing mostly likely dates from 1854 where it was used in ‘The Spirit of the Times’ by George W Harris.

“I say, you durned ash cats, just keep yer shirts on, will ye?”

The Spirit of the Times’ by George W Harris

The idiom means to keep calm, be patient, refrain from panicking, or losing one’s temper.

「keep your shirt on」という慣用句は、戦う前にシャツを脱ぐという男性(女性も同様で、18世紀には素っ裸で素手の女性ボクシングが西洋世界では実際に行われていた)の傾向のことを指しており、現在でもその習慣は続いています。この考え方は、ほとんどの人が2、3組の服しか持っておらず、傷んだり血などでひどく汚れたりすると、直したり買いかえたりするのにお金がかかった時代から生まれたのかもしれません。

この言葉が初めて文章に登場したのは、おそらく1854年、George W Harrisの『The Spirit of the Times』で使われたのが最初でしょう。

“I say, you durned ash cats, just keep yer shirts on, will ye?”

The Spirit of the Times’ by George W Harris


Idiom Usage 使い方 | Keep Your Shirt On

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Learn Real English Idiom: Keep Your Shirt On
Old-Timey Portrait of a Shirtless Man Ready To Fight

Using this idiom properly is pretty easy since it’s full sentence without adding anything new. The phrase can also be combined and used in a compound sentence.


English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi, Learn Culture, Music, Sports, Movies, ESL; Free Newsletter & Practice Exercises

Examples 例文

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Learn Real English Idiom: Keep Your Shirt On
Emotional Man Trying to Remove His White T-Shirt (

It’s hard to keep your shirt on if you have to get something off your chest.


A: Why aren’t you ready yet?

B: Keep your shirt on! I’ll be ready in five minutes.



There’s no need for him to yell and scream. Tell him to keep his shirt on. It was just an accident and the insurance will cover it.


Use mnemonic! ニーモニックテクニック

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Learn Real English Idiom: Keep Your Shirt On
Lou Ferrigno As The Hulk

A great mnemonic device is to picture getting so angry and you rip your shirt off like you’re turning into the Hulk.

Of course, we always encourage you to create your own mnemonic device. It’s much more effect if you do that.

Check out our post on mnemonics basics to learn more.




Variations 類似した表現

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Learn Real English Idiom: Keep Your Shirt On
A Pompous Victorian Gentleman In 18th Century Clothing & Wig (
  • Keep Your Wig On
  • Keep Your Pants On
  • To Get Shirty

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