Idiom | Not For All The Tea In China

Idiom | Not For All The Tea In China

Idiom | Not For All The Tea In China

The idiom “not for all the tea in China” dates back to the late 1890s, from Australia of all places, but soon spread to the rest of the tea-drinking English-speaking world. The term alludes to the presumed huge quantity of tea in China, which was/is a large producer of tea.

Fun fact, China still produces about one quarter of all the world’s tea.

The idiom is used to say that nothing could persuade one to do something. In short; not at any price.

「Not for all the tea in China 」というイディオムは、1890年代後半にオーストラリアで生まれたものでしたが、すぐにお茶を飲む英語圏の他の国々にも広まりました。この言葉は、お茶の大生産国であったまた現在でもそうである中国に、膨大な量のお茶があると推測されることをほのめかしています。



Idiom Usage 使い方 | Not For All The Tea In China

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Learn Real English Idiom: Not For All The Tea In China
Tea Plantation on a Mountainside (

This idiom is a full phrase and can be used on its own, typically as a reply, in this form;

Not for all the tea in China.

The phrase can also be used as part of a longer sentence with some variations. ‘Not’ can be swapped out for another negative word (see below).


Not for all the tea in China.


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English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Learn Real English Idiom: Not For All The Tea In China
Frustrated Woman Rejects Man in the Streets (

I wouldn’t sleep with him for all the tea in China.


A: Would you ever fly with Ryanair again?

B: Not for all the tea in China.



If I were you I wouldn’t take this deal for all the tea in China.


Use mnemonic! ニーモニックテクニック

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Learn Real English Idiom: Not For All The Tea In China
Endless Fields of Green Tea (

A mnemonic device to help you remember this idiom is to imagine vast tea fields spreading across the countryside and how much money it’s worth. Even that great amount of money is not to convince to do something or change your mind.

Of course, we always encourage you to create your own mnemonic device. It’s much more effect if you do that.

Check out our post on mnemonics basics to learn more.




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