Halloween in the U.S. | Learn Real English

Learn Real English | Halloween in the U.S.
Americans love Halloween. Children go out trick-or-treating. People of all ages dress up as their favorite character from a movie or TV show, or just as a classic monster. Many decorate their homes. There are large parades, like the annual Village Halloween Parade in New York City, which attracts over 2 million people.
アメリカ人はハロウィーンが大好き!子供たちはお菓子をねだりに出かけます。また、年代にかかわらず、みんな映画やドラマのキャラクター、昔ながらのモンスター等に扮装します。家をデコレートする人も多いです。大きなパレードが開催されたりもします。NYでは毎年二百万の人々がつどう 大規模なVillage Halloween Parade が開催されていますよ。
Halloween Horror Clichés

If you were in an American horror movie, would you be able to survive? If you understand the culture and clichés of the genre, than you just might live.
Check out these videos lessons to learn all that you need to know.

Video Vocab: How to Survive a Horror Movie

Did you have any difficult understanding the video? Don’t worry, there’s a lot of difficult phrases in there. We made a vocabulary list to help give you a better understanding of the slang, idioms, and difficult words used throughout the video.
➣Adjectives 形容詞
Too young to engage legally in a particular activity, especially drinking alcohol.
If you’re underage you can’t be in a casino.
➣Idioms イディオム
◆(To) get away with murder
To be allowed to do things that other people would be punished or criticized for.
She gets away with murder because she’s hot.
Halloween Video Lessons (2021)

In 2021, we made a few video lessons that explored the culture of Halloween in America. These video lessons are a bit rough around the edges, but they do have a few fun moments.
Anyway, we thought we’d leave these videos up, at least until we get around to properly remaking them in the future. There is still a lot of interesting vocabulary below to learn.
Halloween Video I 動画で使われた単語の解説
Halloween Video II 動画で使われた単語の解説
➣ Nouns: Video I 動画で使われた単語の解説
A day which commemorates an important event, which could be religious, national, or social.
Valentine’s Day is a holiday in the US, but we still have to go work and school.
◆Take a holiday (UK) / Vacation (US)
To take a day or multiple days off from work or school.
I plan on taking a holiday to Spain at the end of the month (UK)
I plan on taking a vacation to Spain at the end of the month (US)
◆Baby Boomer
A person born in the US between 1946-1964. Sometimes shortened to ‘boomer.’
1946年~1964年にアメリカで生まれた方。短縮して ‘boomer’と呼ばれることもある。
Most of the people retiring now are the baby boomers.
Harm or trouble caused by someone, usually playful misbehavior, especially by children.
I caused a lot mischief when I was a high school student. Sometimes my friends and I would throw eggs at cars.
A hollowed out pumpkin which has a face carved into it. Candles are placed inside to light up the ‘face’ and they displayed outside of houses, or in windows, on Halloween in the US.
When I was a child my parents would take me to a pumpkin patch every year so we could find the perfect pumpkin to make a jack-o’-lantern out of.
➣ Nouns: Video II 動画で使われた単語の解説
The sale or licensing of material for broadcasting.
Many old TV shows from the 1960s are still in syndication in the U.S.
Blood and/or graphic injuries that are depicted in vivid detail.
All the gore in the movie made me feel sick.
A significant or recurrent theme.
A major trope of an animated Disney movie is princesses.
An idea or story element that is overused and lack of original thought.
The hero saving the female lead at the last second is a major Hollywood cliché.
Refraining from all sexual intercourse.
Catholic priests don’t need to be virgins, but they must take a vow of chastity when they enter the position.
➣ Verbs: Video I 動画で使われた単語の解説
To express, suggest, or show something without stating it directly.
She implied that I was guilty of causing the fire, but it’s not true. I was there when it happened but I did not start it.
➣ Verbs: Video II 動画で使われた単語の解説
To pretend to be someone or something that it is not.
The bank robbers were able to get into the bank vault by masquerading as police officers.
➣ Idioms: Video I 動画で使われた単語の解説
◆A whole different animal
Something that is very different from the thing that was previously mentioned.
You can’t really compare Indian curry with the Japanese variety. Japanese curry is a whole different animal.
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