Secret Techniques to Boost Your English♪

Secret Techniques to Boost Your English♪
Studying another language is never easy. Sometimes we study hard, but feel like we haven’t made any progress. Taking a break from learning could help, but maybe it’s not a break that you need. Learning some secret techniques to help boost your English language skills might be just what you need.
Before we boost your English, let’s study some of the more difficult words from the video.
Vocab: Boost Your English

Did you have any difficult understanding the video? Don’t worry, there’s a lot of difficult phrases in there. We made a vocabulary list to help give you a better understanding of the slang, idioms, and difficult words used throughout the video.
➣Verbs 動詞
To stop increasing or progressing.
The first month of my diet was really successful, but after that I plateaued.
➣Nouns 名詞
A comparison between one thing and another.
I made an analogy between my wife’s best friend and a pig so now she’s angry with me.
the action of pausing before saying or doing something.
The water didn’t look very clean so there was a lot of hesitation to jump in.
A habit, a habitual gesture or way of speaking or behaving.
The crude mannerisms of the prisoner shocked the police.
➣Adjective 形容詞
Contrary to intuition or to common-sense expectation.
It seemed counterintuitive that eating more meals can help you lose weight.
Mnemonics; Boost Your English ニーモニック

Learning new vocabulary is one of the hardest things learns of languages have to do. From a very early age we’re taught at school to use the repetition process; which is writing and/or repeating information over and over again until we have memorized it.
The repetition technique is time consuming, ineffective, and a waste of our rescores. If only there was a more efficient way of learning new information.
There is! It’s called the mnemonic technique.
Using images and stories, instead of repetition, we use different parts of the brain. This is not only a creative and fun way to learn new information, it actually aids our ability to remember and recall said information. Not only that, but when using mnemonic techniques the average learner will retain much more information for a much great period of time.
Next time you want to learn a new vocabulary word, try using a mnemonic device instead of the repetition method.
Check out our post on mnemonics basics to learn more.
A Wise Man

“A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds” is a popular maxim from Francis Bacon, a 16th-century philosopher, scientist, and politician.
Francis Bacon was a great thinker who produced many sayings, including ‘knowledge is power,’ which is one of Bearington favorites. There are even rumors that Francis Bacon may have written Shakespeare’s play.
“A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds” (賢者はチャンスを見つけるよりも、みずからチャンスを創りだす)は、16世紀の哲学者、科学者、そして政治家でもあったフランシス・ベーコンの格言です。
フランシス・ベーコン は Bearington が大好きな ‘knowledge is power’も含め、たくさんの格言をうみだした偉人です。実は フランシス・ベーコン がシェークスピアの劇を書いたのではないかといううわさもあるぐらいなんです。
Keep Studying

Don’t stop learning now. Check out one of our other lessons in the follow categories and keep studying.

You can also check out our sister websites! Both are fully in English, so it’s a good opportunity to practice your reading skills!!!
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