Yoshiki’s Hollywood Handprints | Learn Real English

Yoshiki’s Hollywood Handprints | Learn Real English

Learn Real English | Yoshiki’s Hollywood Handprints

Yoshiki’s, drummer, pianist, and main songwriter from the band X Japan, hand and footprints were immortalized with a concrete imprint at the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, California. He is the first Japanese musician to receive this honor.

In this video lesson we’ll hear Yoshiki’s speech in English during the ceremony. We’ll learn some of the key phrases and how to use them. This is a fun video for English learners, rock music fans, and fans of X Japan!

ドラマーであり、ピアニストであり、ソングライターでもあるX JapanのYOSIKIさんの手形と足形がカリフォルニアにあるハリウッドのTCL・チャイニーズ・シアターに刻まれました。日本人としてはじめてこの栄誉をうけとりました。

この動画では、そのセレモニー内でのYOSIKIさんの英語でのスピーチを聞きながら、キーフレーズと使い方を勉強していきます。英語を勉強している方、ロックミュージックが大好きな方、X Japanファンにとって楽しい動画となっています。

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Transcript | Yoshiki’s Hollywood Handprints

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Culture & Music: Yoshiki XJapan Hollywood Handprint & Footprint Ceremony
Musician Yoshiki Poses At The Sundance Film Festival, 2016 (Photo by Matt Sayles/Invision/AP)

How did I… How… Sorry. Let me start over.

I’m standing here as the first Japanese artist in history to receive this honor.

Thank you. Um… Wow.

First, thank you to my friends. Thank you for not giving up on me.

And to my fans; you are the reason I still breathe. You’re the reason I still exist. I cannot count how many times I wanted to give up.

Last, but not least, I want to thank you to my mother. Last year, she passed away. My mother went up to the sky. But, I still feel she’s here with me.

I want to dedicate this moment in my life to my beloved mother, who always believed in me.

She was the very first person to see my hands and feet and now she can see them from the sky looking down here at Hollywood.

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