The Hidden Meaning in Common Phrases

Some Simple Phrases Are NOT What they Seem
Even if you’re an advanced English user, you might not know that there are some common phrases that have hidden meaning.
You may have even used some of them without realizing it. Using these common phrases in the unintended way can cause miscommunication, confusion, and sometimes have a very unintentional/different meaning.
The key is knowing these phrases, what they actually mean, and what situations to use them in. The first step is watching our video lesson.
Video Vocab: Hidden Meaning

Did you have any difficult understanding the video? Don’t worry, there’s a lot of difficult phrases in there. We made a vocabulary list to help give you a better understanding of the slang, idioms, and difficult words used throughout the video.
➣Nouns 名詞
A hidden or less obvious meaning.
There was a lot of subtext in the movie that I think a lot of people missed.
➣Adjectives 形容詞
Having or showing a superior attitude toward others.
The principal was a bit condescending towards the teachers who were just hired.
➣Idioms/Phrasal Verbs イディオム/句動詞
◆Don’t Shoot the Messenger
To unfairly blame a person who has given you bad news or information, when you should instead be angry with the people who are really responsible for the situation.
I’m sorry everyone is getting fired, but don’t shoot the messenger.
◆To Talk Down To
Speak patronizingly or condescendingly to someone.
My parents treat me like a child and talk down to me.
➣Exclamations 感嘆詞
An exclamation of disgust, anger, or annoyance.
Crap, we lost the bag with our money in it.
Times Hidden Meaning

As mentioned in our video lesson, you need to be careful of ‘do you have time’ and ‘do you have the time.’ They are almost the same, yet very, very different.
The easier of the two is ‘do you have the time.’ This simply means you want to know the time.
‘Do you have time’ is much more complicated, and explained in depth in this lesson’s video. In short, this is asking someone to talk with you.
「Do you have time?」 と 「Do you have the time?」 に気をつけましょう。とても似ているのですが、全然違った意味合いとなります。
より簡単なフレーズは「Do you have the time?」になりますが、こちらは、単純に時間を知りたいという意味となります。
「Do you have time?」はもう少し複雑な意味になります。レッスン動画で詳細を説明していますが、端的に申し上げますと、誰かにあなたと話す時間をいただけないかたずねるフレーズとなります。
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