Get Back’s Dark History | Learn Real English

Get Back’s Dark History | Learn Real English

Learn Real English | Get Back’s Dark History

“Get Back,” the Beatles’ number one hit in early 1969 is a fan favorite from the Fab Four, but the song has a dark history that most don’t know about.

In this English video lesson we’ll see the song’s controversial roots and hear from Paul McCartney about the lyrics sparked a long running feud with band-mate John Lennon. We’ll hear what they have to say, learn some of the key phrases, and how to use them. A must watch for any Beatles fan.

ビートルズが1969年初頭にリリースしたナンバーワン・ヒット 「ゲット・バック 」は、ファンが好きな曲ですが、この曲には知られていない暗い歴史があります。


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Transcript | The Beatles

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Culture & Music: The Beatles Get Back
John Lennon & Yoko Ono During The Recording of the ‘Let It Be’ Documentary

I think John’s thing now; obviously if it came to a push between Yoko and the Beatles, it’s Yoko.

  • The song ‘Get Back,’ when you were recording it Yoko was in the studio and every time you sang “Get Back” John accused you of staring at Yoko and he took it as an insult.

Those were very paranoid times, you know?

  • I know.

And let’s face it we… we didn’t welcome Yoko in the studio.

  • I know.

Because we thought it was a guy thing.

  • Yes.

I mean, even our… even the guys’ wives and the girlfriends and stuff weren’t really welcome in the studio. They could, you know, control room for a quick visit.

  • Right.

But actually sit in the in the studio with us it was like, “Um, no. Excuse me. Um, we’re working.” You know?

  • Did you have the guts to say that to John?


  • You did not.


  • He had said that…

It was kind of obvious though.

  • Everyone was just kind of sniping.

We were just fuming. The thing is, it was really just the initial shock of Yoko sitting on one of the amps.

  • Right.

You know, “Excuse me. That’s my amp.”

  • Yeah.

Um, she couldn’t use a stool.

But it’s gonna be such an incredible sort of comical thing, like, it 50 years’ time. “They broke up ‘cause Yoko sat on an amp.” Or just something like that. “What?”

Later on we… we suddenly sort of thought, you know what, John’s in love with this girl, if he wants to bring in the studio we’ve got to cope with that.

She’s great. She really is alright. They just wanna be near each other, you know? So, I just think it’s just silly or me or anyone to try and say to ‘em, “No, you can’t.”

See, but their point is that they’re… they’re trying to, like, be as near together as they can. They wanna stay together, those two. So it’s all right. Let the young lovers stay together. But it’s not that bad, you know?

We got a lot of Beatles, so that if… I think John’s thing now; obviously if it came to a push between Yoko and the Beatles, it’s Yoko.

And we learned to cope with it and, you know, I now feel that he had the right to do that. Um, it might have been better if he’d been a little bit more diplomatic and sort of said, “Hey guys, you know, I’d love her to be… I… I really love her and I just want to be near her all the time.”

  • Right.

But we had to figure that out. And we did eventually, but it took some time and there was a few, um, looks went on.

  • What do you call this, Paul?


‘Shit Back.’

‘Shit,’ take one.

  • Thank you.

Well, see… see, it started off as a protest song. But, you know… I think it works ok.

Ah, this here’s the story of Sweet Loretta Martin and Jo Jo McCartney.

♪ Sidi Abdul Rami was a Pakistani, but he didn’t live at home.

Worried people said, “We don’t need Pakistanis. Boy you better travel home.”

Yeah, get back. Get back. Back to where you once belonged.

Alberto Marin was a Puerto Rican but he wasn’t na na na.

Born in [gibberish] don’t dig no Puerto Ricans living in the USA.

Ohhhh, get back.

Hey, son. Hey, hey.

Don’t interrupt stars when they’re recording. We’re bloody stars, you know?

Hey. Look, fuckface.Don’t comment.

Fucking cheek.

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