Can You Spell That?

Can You Spell That?
Sometimes it’s necessary to spell words. If the listener is unfamiliar with the word, or the speakers pronunciation isn’t clear enough, mistakes are bound to happen. This is especially true when it comes to the proper spelling of family names and/or city names.
In order to avoid confusion, and mistakes, it is key to have a good fundamental understand of spelling techniques.

The following words and phrases are from this lesson’s video. Since they are uncommon or idiomatic we have given some extra information here to help everyone understand the video better.
➣Nouns 名詞
◆ Phonograms
A character or symbol used to represent a word, syllable, or sound.
➣Verbs 動詞
◆ Discern
To recognize or find out.
I am having a hard time discerning what that awful smell is.
➣Idioms/Phrasal Verbs/Phrases イディオム/句動詞/フレーズ
◆ Under the gun
To be in a stressful situation that requires quick action, often to meet a deadline; under great pressure.
My boss just told me to our budget has been cut in half so we’re really under the gun now.
◆ Past tense verb + out 過去形の動詞+out
To have your fill of something.
I’m all gamed out after spending the weekend at E3.
E3 で週末をすごし、ゲームをやりすぎました。
◆ In the heat of the moment
To say or do something without thinking because you are excited or angry.
I said some terrible things to you in the heat of the moment.
English Phonetic Spelling Alphabet

When speaking in a noisy location, on the telephone, or through video conferences over the web, it can be useful and/or necessary to spell a word using the English Phonetic Spelling Alphabet. If you are using the official spelling alphabet to spell “bear,” for example, you would say: “B as in Bravo, A as in Alpha, E as in Echo, R as in Romeo.”
騒がしいロケーションで、電話もしくはWEB会議にて話すとき、「English Phonetic Spelling Alphabet」を使いながら、単語を正しく綴っていくことは大切です。たとえばですが、「bear」を公式な 「 English Phonetic Spelling Alphabet 」 を使いながら綴っていきますと、こんな形でいうことができます。 “B as in Bravo, A as in Alpha, E as in Echo, R as in Romeo.” ( Bravo のB、 Alpha のA、 Echo のE、 Romeo のR)
A | as in Alpha | N | as in November |
B | as in Bravo | O | as in Oscar |
C | as in Charlie | P | as in Papa |
D | as in Delta | Q | as in Quebec |
E | as in Echo | R | as in Romeo |
F | as in Foxtrot | S | as in Sierra |
G | as in Golf | T | as in Tango |
H | as in Hotel | U | as in Uniform |
I | as in India | V | as in Victor |
J | as in Juliet | W | as in Whisky |
K | as in Kilo | X | as in X-ray |
L | as in Lima | Y | as in Yankee |
M | as in Mike | Z | as in Zulu |
*‘For’ can be used instead of ‘as in.’ For example, “bear” can spelt like so; “B for Bravo, A for Alpha, E for Echo, R for Romeo.”
Zee or Zed

Letter phonograms are uniform between American and British English, with the exception of the last letter, Z. Americans have the unique phonogram pronunciation of ‘zee.’ The rest of the English speaking world uses the pronunciation ‘zed’ for the phongram of Z.
This difference in phongram can and will influence the pronunciation of some Z words. Most notably, Americans say ‘zeebra‘ and British English speakers will say ‘zedbra‘ for the striped African horse. The spelling, however, does remain standard; zebra.
表音文字はアメリカ英語もイギリス英語も同一最後の文字「Z」を除いては、すべて一緒です。 「Z」 ですが、アメリカ人はユニークな 言い方で’zee’とあらわします。他の英語を話す国では’zed’であらわしています。
表音文字のこの違いが 「Z」 を含む言葉の発音にも影響をあたえることがあります。ほとんどの、特にアメリカ人は、写真にあるしましま模様のアフリカの馬について、 ‘zeebra’ と発音するのに対し、イギリス英語では、’zedbra’と発音します。両国ともスペリングは 「zebra」と同じつづりになっていますが、こんな発音の違いがでてきます。
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