Ryohei Suzuki City Hunter | Learn Real English

Learn Real English | Ryohei Suzuki City Hunter
Ryohei Suzuki live action version of ‘City Hunter’ was just released on Netflix and we got the chance to sit down with him and ask a few questions. This is a totally real interview between a cartoon bear and Ryohei Suzuki. It’s not at all fake.
In this lesson we’ll take a look at our full interview with Ryohei, which is totally real and not at all fake. We’ll see what he has to say about ‘City Hunter,’ learn some of the key vocabulary, and how to use them. A must watch for any fans of ‘City Hunter.’

Transcript | Ryohei Suzuki City Hunter

- Konichiwa.
Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you too, Mokkori-san.
Oh, you can call me Ryohei.
- Ok. So, City Hunter… I bet you had to do some “favors” for the producer to get this role.
Yes. The producer knew for… for a long time about my passion… about making a live action of City Hunter. So they, you know, they went to the studios and streaming platforms and eventually, you know, Netflix gave a hand. So when I got news, you know, I thought… I imagine I’d be really happy that it’s finally becoming true.
But actually the reality was I felt tremendous pressure because I, you know, I never wanted to ruin the thing I love most in my life. You know, there’s always a possibility and… I’ve seen so many live action adaptation that goes disaster. You know.
So I… That’s why I decided to join the team also… not only as an actor but also as a… a kind of adviser.
- If the hardcore fans dislike the movie you’re the person they should send hate mails to?
Yes, well. Our version… I believe our version is the most authentic version of City Hunter.
- So can I get your e-mail?
- You shot a lot of the movie on location in Shinjuku. Did you find it difficult to acting with so many distractions around, like host clubs.
How many times did I break character?
- I guess that’s one way of putting it.
I don’t like break character, especially when I… when I play in a comedy scene, because I believe the more seriously you play, the funnier it gets. So I… I try to play as seriously as possible when I do comedy scene, but the funny moments come between the shoot.
You know, when I’m waiting for the next shoot… next cut… next take I mean, and the audience was all there like one hundred… one hundred people watching me… and I’m almost naked, you know. And I suddenly felt embarrassed and I… I could not just stand there and let them… let them watch.
So, you know, I was just talking to them. I was making them laugh with, you know, completely naked body. That was a surreal moment, but, you know, it was strange. I felt… I was not feeling embarrassed or anything in that scene and I wondered why.
And then I realized that I did almost the same thing ten years ago in the film called ‘Hentai Kamen.’ It’s a… It’s a about a… It’s about superhero that has a superpower when… when he wears women’s panties and he transforms into like naked superhero.
That is the thing I did in two… ten years ago so I was kind of used to it.
- I can picture some salary man secretly wearing his neighbor’s panties to pretend he’s in ‘Hentai Kamen.’
That is pretty funny.
- Well, this was informative, and if I can be totally honest, a little frightening.
Thank you.
- No, thank you.
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