Understand Jokes and Puns in English

Understand Jokes and Puns in English

What are puns? Punsとは

Puns are a form of word play that takes advantage of words that have multiple meanings or similar sounds.

English is full of puns, as they are used quite a bit in pop culture.

Let’s take a look at some examples so we can get a better understanding.






Puns: Examples 冗談例

Q: What do you call an animal you keep in your car?

A: A Carpet.

Q: Why was the baby ant confused?

A: Because all his uncles were ants!

Q: How is your long distance relationship going?

A: So far, so good.

Q: What do you call an animal you keep in your car?


A: A Carpet.


Q: Why was the baby ant confused?


A: Because all his uncles were ants!


Q: How is your long distance relationship going?


A: So far, so good.

今のところはとても順調だよ。(So farで、「今のところ」と「とても遠い」をかけている。)

What are Wellerisms? Wellerismsとは

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi -
Wayne’s World (NBC Studios)

A Wellerism takes a cliché or idiom and turns it into a pun for humorous effect.

A good example of a Wellerism is, “that’s what she said.”

Wellerism are often used in comedies, like “Wayne’s World” and the American version of “The Office,” so the chances are good that you’ve heard some already.

Let’s learn more about jokes and pun in the video.


本日冗談の一例としてとりあげる「That’s what she said」もその一つです。

“Wayne’s World” やアメリカ版 “ The Office ”でも使われているので、そこで聞いた方も多いかもしれませんね。


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