Naomi Watanabe & Pau Gasol | Learn Real English

Naomi Watanabe & Pau Gasol | Learn Real English

Learn Real English | Naomi Watanabe & Pau Gasol

Naomi Watanabe and Pau Gasol got a chance to meet after a game and have a short chat in English. They got to talk about Pau’s feelings about Japan and Naomi made a special request.

In this lesson we’ll take a look at a video from the encounter. Let’s look at what was said, study the key vocabulary, and learn how to effectively use English. This is a must watch for any NBA and Naomi Watanabe fans.



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Naomi Watanabe & Pau Gasol Transcript

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Culture & Sports; Naomi Watanabe & Pau Gasol NBA
Naomi Watanabe

I love… I love Japan. I love Japanese culture. And on my last, um, team that I played basketball, um, was with my national time in Tokyo in 2021, um Olympics there.

Oh, yes.

So, um… um… I was… It was… It was bittersweet because we couldn’t because of the restrictions and Covid we couldn’t leave the village and we couldn’t only experience the beauty of Tokyo. Um, which I love.

I’d love to… to go back. Very soon. Very, very, very soon. Alright.

Yes, please! Yes, please! Thank you!

Ok, um, can you… sign?

Sign? Yes I can.

Oh, thank you. Thank you.

You’re welcome.

Right here.

Right there?


Alight. Alight. Thank you.

Wow. Thank you so much. Thank you so much.

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