Johnny Somali | Learn Real English

Johnny Somali | Learn Real English

Learn Real English | Johnny Somali

Johnny Somali, real name Ismael Ramsey Khalid, is the infamous Kick streamer that has been terrorizing Japanese citizens for over half a year. He earned his 15 minutes of shame as a troll on a Tokyo metro. Now he’s been arrested in Osaka and is facing a 3 year prison sentence and a ¥500,000 fine.

We’ll look at the now legendary train incident where he was confronted by an American tourist as he was streaming racist and harassing messages towards Japanese passengers on the Kick platfrom. We’ll also take a look at the video of him getting arrested in Osaka.

Let’s see what happened when during these events, learn some of the key phrases, and how to use them.


日本人の乗客に対して人種差別的で嫌がらせ的なメッセージを発信していた彼が、アメリカ人観光客に詰め寄られた、いまや伝説となっている電車内の事件を見ていきましょう。 また、大阪で逮捕された彼の動画もあわせてご紹介します。


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Johnny Somali; Subway Troll Transcript

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Culture Johnny Somali Learn Real English
Johnny Somali, Ismael Ramsey Khalid, Acting a Fool On The Tokyo Metro

Hiroshima. Nagasaki. You know? You know Hiroshima, Nagasaki? We’re gonna do again!


Hiroshima! Nagasaki!

Hiroshima, Nagasaki?

We do again! You understand?

I don’t know.

You don’t know!?


You know history?


You know?

Hey buddy, why don’t you just leave him alone?


Just leave him alone, man.

What do you mean?

Where are you from?

You know where I’m from.

Where are you from?

I’m from, um, America.

You’re from America?


So am I.

You’re from America?

Yeah. You’re being obnoxious.

You know what we do to you?

What do you do?

We will do it again.

Do what?

Hiroshima. Nagasaki. You understand?

Do you think I’m Japanese?

Where are you from?

I’m from America.

Where are you from? What’s your ethnicity?

Texas, buddy!

What’s your ethnicity?

I’m Korean.

Then, sit down, brother.

Why don’t you sit your ass down?

Korean war; you know what happened to you.

Come on, you’re being obnoxious, brother.

Don’t touch me!

Leave this guy alone.

Korean war. North Korean war. You know what we did to you?

Fuck your ass up.

What do you mean?

I see a guy that’s clearly uncomfortable. I’m just trying to help a brother out.

It’s no problem. I’m just saying to have respect.


We control your country. We control his country. You understand?

It doesn’t matter.

Yes it does matter.

You’re being obnoxious.

Of course, so why don’t you just sit down?

Calm your ass down.

It’s no problem. Sit down. If you sit down, I sit down.

I’ll stand.

You’ll stand? I’ll stand too.

I’ll stand until my stop.

Ok, no problem.

Johnny Somali Arrested Transcript

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Culture Johnny Somali Learn Real English
Johnny Somali, Ismael Ramsey Khalid, In Front Of a 7-11 Moments Before Getting Arrested In Osaka

Oh, he’s going into the warehouse? Now this is wild. Listen, I’m just a cameraman right here.

I’m just a cameraman. I don’t know what the fuck is going on right here.

Alright, I’m sorry. Oh, he’s going in the warehouse, dawg?

Oh my god, chat. What the fuck did I get myself into?

Oh, he’s mad. He’s mad.

I came to work. I’m here to work.

They’re mad, bro. He’s getting activated, dawg. Shit. He’s getting activated, dawg.

He’s… Oh you…

Hey! Oh, oh, oh! Fukashima! Fukashima!

Woo! Fukashima! Hey, Fukashima! Fukashima!

This person…

Hey, Fukashima! Fukashima! We come to work! We come to work! We come to work!

I got a drink and he’s (the police officer) still outside. Right here. Oh, woo. He even got back up. Back up. What’s up, you guys? What’s up? What’s going on? What is going on? Oh my god.



Residence card.

You need my passport?

Check, check, check…

Police check, ok?

Police check?

Police check, ok?

No problem. Daijobu!

Ok. Thank you Thank you.

Daijobu! Guys, I’m black Monkey Luffy.


English? English?

Yeah, English, please. Yeah.

Why? Nande?

Security check.

Security check? What’s a se… Hey, why are you taking a photo of me? Why are you ta… So emotional. I’m not emotional. Daijobu. I’m ok. Oh my god. I don’t… Well I don’t want to empty my bag into there. Why?

I just started the stream, dawg.

Check other things?

In bag. In bag.

Um, can you just put a flash light (in the bag)? Can you just look? You guys can look. I don’t want to open everything that’s in my bag. Yeah, look! It’s just chargers. Nothing. Open! Open! Go ahead and look. This is harassment, bro.


Ok, ok.

Ok? Everything ok? Are you gonna zip it? You gonna zip it for me? Alright, thank you.


My pocket? Yeah, you can look. Touch my body, yeah. Touch.

Yeah, no worry. Touch. Oh. Oh, My zip… my fly. Sorry. Let me pull my fly up. Sorry. You want me to empty my pocket like that? Like that?


Ok, yeah, yeah. Look, look. Like this. Like this. Look. Empty. Yeah. Look, look, look! Yo! This is crazy! Yo! Yo, a light. This is crazy! Why the light? With the light this is out of control. Here! Here! What? Yo!

Thank you.

Why are you guys acting like I’m a terrorist or something?

Ok, ok.


Pocket wa?

No pocket.

Stop. Stop. Keisatsu. police.

Oh, you’re police? Police?

Stop. Stop.

Oh, you took my drink. Ohhhh, why you spill my drink?

Ok. Stop! I said stop!

Alright! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!

Oh, oh. Hey. Hello.

Why are you taking my photo?

Stop! Stop! Stop!

Alright. Alright. Alright. It’s on. It’s on.

It’s on. It’s on. What’s the charge? What’s the charge?

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