Himari Yoshimura Montréal Mini Violini | Learn Real English

Himari Yoshimura Montréal Mini Violini | Learn Real English

Learn Real English | Montréal Mini Violini

The Montréal Mini Violini invited Himari Yoshimura to compete and perform in 2023. Created by the Concours Musical International de Montréal, the Mini Violini concert selects five violinists, aged between 10 to 15 years old, to perform across two afternoons.

In this four part video lesson series we’ll see Himari Yoshimura performing over both days, in a concerto and with an orchestra. We’ll see what the judges for the performance had to say about her playing and we’ll get to see Himari responding in English. We’ll learn some of the key phrases and how to use them. These are a must watch for any music fan!



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English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Culture & Music: Himari Yoshimura Violin Montreal Mini Violini
Himari Yoshimura & Teacher Ida Kavafian at The Curtis Institute of Music (G. McGregor/ https://pawprintphoto.net)

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Transcript | Montréal Mini Violini Part I

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Culture & Music: Himari Yoshimura Violin Montreal Mini Violini
Himari Yoshimura Performing Violin Concerto

Himari, you stay with me and I will turn to our panel and they maybe have some advice.

First, I really enjoyed the way that you seem to enjoy listening to making music. Very, very impressive. And one of the things that really impressed me is that you seem to get beyond Waxman (Franz Waxman), beyond Heifetz (Jascha Heifetz), and actually to the to the opera by Bizet (Georges Bizet). You give it so much color and so much, so much, um, intensity. I think if you listened to more recordings and keep listening to it, there is so much that you can get from it. But you did a fabulous job. Fabulous. Very impressive.

Wonderful. Bravo. What I am the most impressed with your playing is that you don’t sound at all like an 11 year old. You sound like a mature artist and you have such a power of identifying yourself with, um, the character of the music you play. And I really wish you to keep that and to keep this cultivated sound that you have. And I’m really looking forward to hear you in a few years from now. I’m sure you’ll a wonderful career coming up.

Ah… Merci beaucoup, Mihaela.

Yes, bravo. Very, very impressive performance. I agree with Mihaela (Mihaela Martin) and also Richard (Richard Rodzinski) that it’s quite amazing that you’re still 11 years old, but I guess this, um, the kids that are I’ve heard that were born in this century, they… they must have something, um, unusual in the different millennium. So, they grow much faster. They grow up… We do have a, a question for you. What do you… What do you have on your bow that your pinky never leaves it? What is this? Yeah, it’s a special device, isn’t it? Yeah, it’s like a little, um… a little seat for your pinky.

Transcript | Montréal Mini Violini Part II

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Culture & Music: Himari Yoshimura Violin Montreal Mini Violini
Himari Yoshimura Posing With Her Violin

What would be your biggest dream?

My dream is…

Miss. Himari. Thank you for being here in Montréal. Um, Himari, you’re studying in the United States now at the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia. You speak English now, so I will go slowly. You do not seem to be nervous.

Yeah. A bit.

You are a bit nervous. Yes, you are. Um, what would be your biggest dream?

My dream is, um, play with, um, other musicians and, like, play (unclear) concerto and or Beethoven concerto with big orchestra.

Ah… Merci beaucoup. Merci infiniment. Thank you so much, Himari. That was great to have you here and you’re back with an orchestra tomorrow. Yes? What will you play tomorrow?

Vivaldi, Summer.

You can go backstage. Thank you.

Transcript | Montréal Mini Violini Part III

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Culture & Music: Himari Yoshimura Violin Montreal Mini Violini
Himari Yoshimura Playing With an Orchestra

Um, congratulations. Um, you have an incredible quality, um, in your musical personality, which is very important; both as a soloist or as a chamber player. You lead wonderfully. You had such a… You have such a talent for, you know, conducting together with the conductor and communicating. You’re a wonderful communicator and it’s something so determined and so serious. And, um, yeah… It’s, it’s a… just wonderful presence on stage. Congratulations. Bravo.

I just wanted to add that the way you inhabit every phrase that you play, is absolutely extraordinary. Your… your concentration, your musicianship, but you really live every phrase. It’s fantastic. Congratulations.  

Transcript | Montréal Mini Violini Part IV

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi Culture & Music: Himari Yoshimura Violin Montreal Mini Violini
Himari Yoshimura Practicing With Her Violin

I suppose you have other passions, also. Just… is it just music, or?


No, no, no. You don’t leave. Himari, from Japan. Konichiwa. That’s about all I can say in Japanese. Um, Himari, it’s wonderful to be around you and… I was talking with all the people in the competition and we were telling each other how privileged we were to be able to listen you, even rehearsing. It was something unique and beautiful. And it’s… I can say that for all our mini-violini. Himari, um, who is your favorite violinist?

Um, Heifetz (Jascha Heifetz) and also my teacher, Ida Kavafian.

Ah, her teacher, Ida Kavafian. But, I suppose you have other passions, also. Just… is it just music, or?

I… I like to play with my grandma’s dogs and my hamsters. And… And also I like to listen music. And I like to read the book.

Himari, Mercy infiniment. Thank you so much and congratulations. Thank you for being here in Montréal.

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