Complimenting The Right Way

Complimenting The Right Way

Giving Compliments

Giving compliments can be a very tricky subject to tackle. In today’s PC (politically Correct) world it can be a mine field to navigate. Saying the wrong thing in a business setting could do a lot of harm in a meeting, sour a deal, maybe even cost you a promotion, or your job. On a personal level, giving inappropriate compliments could damage a friendship and/or send the wrong single about your intentions.





Compliments: General Rules 一般的なルール

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi - Grammar/Culture Giving Compliments
Fat Cat Sitting Waiting for Food (

As a jumping off point, you should limit what you decide to compliment on. It’s generally a good idea to avoid complimenting a person’s physical appearance. You might have good intentions, but those intentions could get lost in translation.

As an example, some people could be overly sensitive about their height. Maybe you’re thinking how great it is that your friend is really tall, but it’s possible they feel awkward about their stature. 

“You’re really tall,” could leave them feeling uncomfortable while saying something like “you’re really tall like a model” would go over a bit better. Applying that extra wordage is a difficult skill. Not just in having the right vocabulary, but in also sensing the right moments to use it. For these reasons, it’s better to use compliments that strike a more neutral tone. 

Talking about a person’s weight is also a very dangerous area to venture into. It might be obvious that people with some extra kilograms on their body won’t feel comfortable receiving comments on their body’s appearance. What might not be so obvious is that some people are sensitive about being too thin.

You might not mean any harm by asking “have you lost weight?” but this could trigger a person and make them feel uncomfortable if they haven’t been on a diet and/or lost any weight.













Professional vs. Personal ビジネス vs. プライベート

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Group of Business People Working on a Project (

Let’s begin by talking about professional relationships first, because they are easier to deal with. The business world has increasingly become more PC over the last 30 years. Compliments that are sexually suggestive or flirty should not be used. They could be considered sexual harassment and cost one their job. Compliments should be regulated to performance related topics.

  • Great job on that report.
  • Your presentation was really well done.
  • Thank you for all the effort and hard work you put into the event.

Relationships in the workplace are also not equal. There are ‘power’ differences that need to be considered. Co-workers are on the same level, but a manager complimenting a subordinate adds a new element to the issue. Complements about appearance should be doubly avoided.

Personal relationships are more difficult, as they range from being an acquaintance to being a close friend. As a relationship develops and becomes closer, you have a better idea of what is and isn’t off limits. You might, for example, have a best friend that jokes about how short they are.

We need to be more careful when we are dealing with people that we aren’t close with; new acquaintances, friends of friends, extended family we don’t see often.







  • Great job on that report. すごいよいレポートだったね。
  • Your presentation was really well done. 君のプレゼン、すごくよかったよ。
  • Thank you for all the effort and hard work you put into the event. イベントを成功させるために本当にがんばってくれてありがとう。







compliments & Gender Roles ジェンダーの役割

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi - Grammar/Culture Giving Compliments
A Beautiful Blond Woman in a Cream Colored Dress Posing in a Big Hall (

As a rule, women have more leeway in giving complements than men

For example; a woman telling another woman that she looks really good today or that her dress is sexy would mostly be considered harmless. If we swap one of the genders and have a man telling a woman that she looks really good today or that her dress is sexy, the overall implications of the comment changes. It now has a sexual edge and it sounds like the man is hitting on the woman.

The same would be true if a woman overly completes a man. It would seem like the woman is flirting.


たとえば、女性が、他の女性に対して、「今日とってもステキね。」もしくは「着ているドレスがとてもセクシーね」 といってもそこまで問題はありません。





Fun vs. Funny

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington
People Laughing at a Party (

Fun and funny might seem like the same word, or variations on the same word, but they are quite different.

  • Fun (adjective); socially enjoyable, provides amusement.

Johnny is a fun guy. = I like being around Johnny.

  • Funny (adjective); something that caused amusement or laughter.

Johnny is a funny guy. = Johnny tells a lot of jokes.

To makes thing a little more complicated, funny has a slang usage. It could mean that someone or something is strange, not good.

Johnny is a funny guy. = Johnny is socially awkward. He makes me feel uncomfortable.

Context and intonation play a big a part in communicating the difference with funny. This can be very tricky to do. To help avoid confusion in this situation, we could use ‘a good sense of humor’ in the place of ‘funny.’

Johnny has a good sense of humor. = Johnny tells a lot of jokes.


  • Fun(形容詞)


Johnny is a fun guy. = I like being around Johnny.


  • Funny(形容詞)


Johnny is a funny guy. = Johnny tells a lot of jokes.




Johnny is a funny guy. = Johnny is socially awkward. He makes me feel uncomfortable.


English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington
A ‘funny’ Guy (



ですので、 ‘a good sense of humor’ を ‘funny’ のかわりに使ったほうがミスコミュニケーションを避けられます。

Johnny has a good sense of humor. = Johnny tells a lot of jokes.


When Compliments Go Wrong ほめたつもりがうまく伝わらなかった場合

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington & Naomi - Grammar/Culture Giving Compliments
An Unhappy Woman Crossing Her Arms (

A compliment going wrong is bound to happen at some point. If you find yourself in this situation, avoid doubling down. Saying that you were ‘only joking’ or telling the person ‘not to be ‘so sensitive’ is like pouring salt into a wound you just caused.

Rather, a quick apology is in order.

  • I’m sorry. That didn’t come out the way I intended.
  • I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.

Hopefully the insulted party will accept your gesture and move on.




  • I’m sorry. That didn’t come out the way I intended.
  • ごめんね。間違って伝わってしまったようで。
  • I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.
  • ごめんね。あなたを怒らせるつもりはなかったんだ。


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