Blue & Green | More Than Just Colors

Blue & Green | More Than Just Colors

Blue & Green | Their Surprisingly Deep Meanings

Colors can express more than shades of pigments. In this lesson we’re going to teach how blue and green are used to color English.

First, let learn about the connection between color and emotion.

色のもつ意味が意外と斬新!? ~ 青 & 緑 ~



Why is blue associated with sadness?

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington Color Blue vs. Green
Rain (

Like so many things in the modern western world, the beginnings of this association are rooted with the ancient Greeks. Greek mythology believed that when Zeus was sad or crying, he would make it rain. This probably began the association between the feeling and the color.

In the English speaking world, Geoffrey Chaucer wrote of this in his poem ‘The Complaint of Mars.’

Wyth teres blewe and with a wounded herte.”

The modern translation would be; “With tears blue and with a wounded heart.”

These connections continued over the centuries, being written about by countless authors and poets.

Blue & Green: 青色と悲しみ




英国の詩人Geoffrey Chaucerは「The Complaint of Mars」のなかで、下記のように綴っています。

Wyth teres blewe and with a wounded herte.”

現代訳 “With tears blue and with a wounded heart.”


Green’s Association with Jealousy/Envy

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington Color Blue vs. Green
Jealous Child Scowling at Birthday Party in a Park (

Like blue, green’s origins date back to ancient Greece. The Greeks believed the body produced excess bile when sick or jealous, tinting the skin green. In a poem from the 7th century BC, Greek poet Sappho described an ex-lover as green, and sick with jealousy.

This idea was passed on to the Romans, as the term green with jealousy could be found in the poems of Roman poet Ovid.

Even in contemporary Italian a common phrase is “verde di bile” (green like bile) which would more accurately translate to ‘green with anger.’

Chaucer wrote about envy being one of the seven deadly sins, as well as using the phrase ‘green with envy.’

It is clear that the connection between green and jealousy/envy existed before the advent of Shakespeare, but his works have certainly further deepened the associations. He alluded to the ‘green-sickness’ in more than one play, but it was in Othello where he penned his most famous line on the subject.

“O! Beware, my lord, of jealousy; it is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on.” — Othello





この考え方は、ローマ時代にも受け継がれ、詩人Ovidの作品の中でもgreen with jealousyが使われています。実は現在のイタリア語でも“verde di bile” (英語に訳すと‘green with anger’)という形で受け継がれています。

なお、Geoffrey Chaucerも‘green with envy’のフレーズを使いながら、羨望 (envy)は七つの大罪の一つと書いています。


“O! Beware, my lord, of jealousy; it is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on.”  お気をつけ下さい、将軍、嫉妬というものに。 それは緑色の目をした怪物で、ひとの心をなぶりものにして、餌食にするのです。— Othello

English Stripped Bare - B. Bearington Color Blue vs. Green
African White Rhino Grazing (



  • 青葉
  • 青芝
  • 青りんご
  • 青菜


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